How to Remove/Delete a Virtualenv

How can I remove/delete a virtual python environment created with virtualenv in Windows 10?

There is no command to remove virtualenv, you can deactivate it or remove the folder but unfortunately virtualenv library doesn't contain any kind of removal functionality.

remove virtual environment created with venv in python3

Yes, delete the directory. it's where executables for the venv and modules and libraries and entire other stuff for venvs is kept.

How to leave/exit/deactivate a Python virtualenv

Usually, activating a virtualenv gives you a shell function named:

$ deactivate

which puts things back to normal.

I have just looked specifically again at the code for virtualenvwrapper, and, yes, it too supports deactivate as the way to escape from all virtualenvs.

If you are trying to leave an Anaconda environment, the command depends upon your version of conda. Recent versions (like 4.6) install a conda function directly in your shell, in which case you run:

conda deactivate

Older conda versions instead implement deactivation using a stand-alone script:

source deactivate

How to remove a virtualenv created by "pipenv run"

You can run the pipenv command with the --rm option as in:

pipenv --rm

This will remove the virtualenv created for you under ~/.virtualenvs


Remove python, can I still use the the virtual Environment

no you wont be able to run python applications anymore.

venv — Creation of virtual environments¶
New in version 3.3.

Source code: Lib/venv/

The venv module provides support for creating lightweight “virtual environments” with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories. Each virtual environment has its own Python binary (which matches the version of the binary that was used to create this environment) and can have its own independent set of installed Python packages in its site directories.

See PEP 405 for more information about Python virtual environments.

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