How to Pass a Variable Between Flask Pages

Seeking advice: What is my best way to pass a variable between Flask routes?

You can store it as session data, for instance:

from flask import request, session

def get_year():
session["year"] = request.form['year']
except KeyError:
return session.get("year") # if "year" hasn't been set yet, return None

How do i pass a variable to all flask routes once?

You can do so by creating a custom render template function using the following implementation

from flask import render_template as real_render_template
from yourapp import user # Import the user variable or set it

def render_template(*args, **kwargs):
return real_render_template(*args, **kwargs, user=user)

it can also be done via functools.partial:

from flask import render_template as real_render_template
from yourapp import user # Import the user variable or set it
from functools import partial

render_template = partial(real_render_template, user=user)

Flask : how to pass variables between html pages app route

Use the session to store data between requests from the same client.

from flask import session

def getvlan():
session['vlanid'] = request.form['vlanid']
return redirect(url_for('showvlan'))

def showvlan():
vlanid = session['vlanid']

Use a database (or other external, persistent store) to store data in a more generally accessible sense.

How to pass variables between HTML pages using Flask

So i didn't got your approach.Below is what i did,I changed the code a bit. Hope this solves your problem.

from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template, url_for, request, redirect
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
return render_template('index.html')

@app.route('/form', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def form():
if request.method == 'POST':
glon = request.form['glon']
return render_template('display.html', glon=glon)

# @app.route('/return_form/<glon>', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
# def return_form(glon):
# return render_template('return_form.html', glon=glon)

if __name__ == '__main__':


<form action ="{{ url_for('form') }}" method="post">
Galactic Longitude: <input type="text" name="glon">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>


<!doctype html>

<p> {{ glon }} </p>


How can I pass a variable to a python flask app?

global myvariable=8

@app.route("/myrout", methods=["GET"])
def myfunction():
global myvariable

How to pass variable onto another route in FLASK

The problem is the way your code is organized. Variables in a function are scoped within the function, so books isn't available from the second route. In addition to that, you have a naming collision where books=books is referring to the function itself (which is defined at the module scope).

If you want to share code between routes, put it in a separate function:

def get_books(query, show_nav_bar=False):
query = query.lower()
query_like = '%' + query + '%'
books = db.execute('SELECT * FROM books WHERE (LOWER(isbn) LIKE :query) OR (LOWER(title) LIKE :query) '
'OR (LOWER(author) LIKE :query)', {'query': query_like}).fetchall()

if not books:
return render_template('error.html', message='No Books were Found!', navbar=True)

return render_template('books.html', query=query, books=books, navbar=show_nav_bar)

@app.route("/search", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search():
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('search.html', navbar=True)

return get_books(request.form.get('query'), show_nav_bar=True)

@app.route("/books", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def books():
return get_books(request.form.get('query'))

flask pass variable from one function to another function

Where an index.html will contain:

<form action="/search.html" method="get" autocomplete="off" class="subscribe-form">
<div class="form-group d-flex">
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter your search" name="q" id="q" value="{{q}}">
<input type="submit" value="Search" class="submit px-3">

Now you will see /search.html?q=top in url now you can easily pass this q=top by using q=request.args.get("q")...

def search():
q =request.args.get("q")
myresult = Mylist.query.filter(|

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