How to Make a Roll the Dice Command With My Discord Bot How to make a roll dice command

That's because it checks for 4 first, then 6, and so on... Even after you send 4, it'll check for 6, 8 and so on.. And when you send 6, it'll check for 4 first, then 6 and so on.. Why don't you try something like this instead:

async def rolldice(ctx):
message = await ctx.send("Choose a number:\n**4**, **6**, **8**, **10**, **12**, **20** ")

def check(m):
return ==

message = await client.wait_for("message", check = check, timeout = 30.0)
m = message.content

if m != "4" and m != "6" and m != "8" and m != "10" and m != "12" and m != "20":
await ctx.send("Sorry, invalid choice.")

coming = await ctx.send("Here it comes...")
await coming.delete()
await ctx.send(f"**{random.randint(1, int(m))}**")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await message.delete()
await ctx.send("Procces has been canceled because you didn't respond in **30** seconds.")

Note: I recommend using await asyncio.sleep(1) instead of time.sleep(1). That way other commands will still be functional. Remember to import asyncio in this case.

Roll/Dice command?

If you create a function that takes in parameters you have to use those.

function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
min = Math.min(min, max);
max = Math.max(max, min);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

let num1 = argsminus8[0];
let num2 = argsminus8[1];
if(!num1) return message.reply("Please enter a first number");
if(!num2) return message.reply("Please enter a second number");

const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(getRandomIntInclusive(num1, num2))
.setTimestamp(){ embed });

Implement this inside if(message.content.startsWith (prefix + 'random-number')).
This will create random numbers between 1 and 100, because for the min parameter I said 1 and for the max parameter I said 100.
You can change the numbers to whatever you like.

Basic one-message dice roller?

I think you are essentially asking how to concatenate strings together. That is done with the plus sign operator. If any of the operands are strings, it treats all the variables as strings:

if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes("rei!d100")) {
var response = [Math.floor(Math.random() * ((100 - 1) + 1) + 1)];"You got... " + response + "!").then().catch(console.error); // "You got... 96!"

Alternatively, you can use template params like so (those are backticks, not quotes):`You got... ${response}!`); D&D dice roll command has far too many issues

With the commands extension, you can't get rid of the space between your command and the die variable. In order to get rid of it, you'd have to use an on_message event to parse your command's content:

from random import sample

async def on_message(message):
content = message.content
if content.startswith('|') and (content[1].isdigit() or content[1]=='d'):
content = content.split('+')
rolls = [int(content.pop(i)) for i in range(len(content)) if content[i].isdigit()]
for elem in content:
n, faces = elem.split('d') if elem.split('d')[0] != '' else (1, elem[1:])
rolls += [randint(1, int(faces)) for _ in range(int(n))]
rolls_str = ' + '.join([str(n) for n in rolls])
await"{rolls_str} = {sum(rolls)}")

await client.process_commands(message)

Discord.js DND Dice Roll Input Change Number

Use a regular expression instead of .includes, and then extract the digits after the d to randomize.

You don't need to subtract 1, then add 1 right after that - those cancel out, nor do you need to put the result into an array - interpolating just the random number generated into the message will work fine.

const match = message.content.match(/!rolld(\d+)/i);
if (match) {
const die = match[1];
const response = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * die);
const ayy = client.emojis.cache.find(emoji => === "diceroll");

Discord bot dice roll error. Why does my code not reach its expected result?

I found 4 errors in your code:

  1. You said that you receieve no errors, that's because you're using bare except. Something as simple as
except Exception as e:

would give you the error message. If you want more you could also print traceback to pinpoint the faulty code.

  1. random.randint takes 2 arguments start and end and both are int.

    Right now you're passing only one and it's not even a int.

    sides[1] will give you a string even if the string contains a number, but the type is still a string because .split returns a list of strings. So for example you called !roll d3 5 then the sides will be a list ["d", "3"] where sides[1] will be a string "3"

  2. Your rolls is going to be a list of integers because random.randint returns an int and you're using rolls .append(result) thus rolls will be list of ints.

    So you can't use ", ".join(rolls) because you would be joining integers to string ", "

    Instead you need to call ", ".join(str(number) for number in rolls) or you can convert each append call to string right away.

  3. amount is going to be passed as string so you can't use range(amount) it needs to be range(int(amount))

So for the full code:

async def roll(ctx, sides, amount):
sides = int(sides.split("d")[1])
rolls_list = []
for number in range(int(amount)):
# 1 is the minimum number the dice can have
rolls_list.append(random.randint(1, sides))
rolls = ", ".join(str(number) for number in rolls_list)
await ctx.send("Your dice rolls were: " + rolls)
except Exception as e:
# You should catch different exceptions for each problem and then handle them
# Exception is too broad
await ctx.send("Incorrect format for sides of dice (try something like \"!roll d6 1\").")

You should also check for some input errors like if integers are negative aka amount

Adding more parameters to a Discord Bot?

You can easily combine all of the commands into one as follows, i don't know D&D so i didn't get what you meant by modifiers.

async def dice(ctx, dice_type: int, amount: int):
results = []
for role in range(amount):
x = random.randint(1, dice_type)

await ctx.send(f'You have rolled {dice_type} for {amount} times and got {results}')

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