How to Find Words in a List That Starts With a Certain Letter the User Asked For

How can I print out words from a list that contains a particular letter? I know what to do with words starting with specific letter but not in BETWEEN

This is One liner approach to condition

a = [print(word) for word in greekAlpha if "a" in word]

Find how many words start with certain letter in a list

You are using the a_words as the value of the word in each iteration and missing a counter. If we change the for loop to have words as the value and reserved a_words for the counter, we can increment the counter each time the criteria is passed. You could change a_words to wordCount or something generic to make it more portable and friendly for other letters.

a_words = 0

for words in wordList:
if words[0]=='a':
a_words += 1

print(a_words, "start with the letter 'a'.")

How would I get all the words from a list that begins with the specified letter

You could loop through all the possible indices, check if the element at that index starts with the letter, and print it if it does.

ALTERNATIVE (and probably better) code (I was going to put this after, but since its better it deserves to be first. Taken form @larsmans's answer here.

//given wordList as the word list
//given startChar as the character to search for in the form of a *String* not char
for (String element : wordList){
if (element.startsWith(startChar)){

DISCLAIMER: This code is untested, I don't have much experience with ArrayList, and Java is more of a quaternary programming language for me. Hope it works :)

//given same variables as before
for (int i = 0; i < wordList.size(); i++){
String element = wordList.get(i);
//you could remove the temporary variable and replace element with
// wordList.get(i)
if (element.startsWith(startChar){

How to create a statement that will print out words that start with particular word?

Use str.startswith


St= "where is my mobile"
for i in St.split():
if i.startswith("m"):



Using filter


L = ['mobile',"pencil","Pen","eraser","Book"]
print( list(filter(lambda x: x.lower().startswith("p"), L)) )


['pencil', 'Pen']

Finding the words that start with a given letter from a list

You use filter,

foo string = filter startsWithP (words string)

then you need to define

startsWithP :: String -> Bool

More useful will be the generic variant

startsWith :: String -> Char -> Bool

to be used like "foo" `startsWith` 'f'.

How do I extract words from a list that start with A in PYTHON I?

You forgot to get the word out of the list and instead were trying to get the first character of the index (i), which obviously doesn't work.

w = ["Algorithm", "Logic", "Filter", "Software", "Network", "Parameters", "Analyze", "Algorithm", "Functionality", "Viruses"]

for i in range(len(w)):
if (w[i][0] == "a" or w[i][0] == "A"):

However a more "pythonic" way of iterating over a list is as follows:

for word in w:
if (word[0] == "a" or word[0] == "A"):

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