How to Find All Comments with Beautiful Soup

How to find all comments with Beautiful Soup

You can pass a function to find_all() to help it check whether the string is a Comment.

For example I have below html:

<!-- Branding and main navigation -->
<div class="Branding">The Science & Safety Behind Your Favorite Products</div>
<div class="l-branding">
<p>Just a brand</p>
<!-- test comment here -->
<div class="block_content">
<a href="">Google</a>


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
from bs4 import Comment
soup = BS(html, 'html.parser')
comments = soup.find_all(string=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment))
for c in comments:

the output would be:

Branding and main navigation 
test comment here

BTW, I think the reason why find_all('Comment') doesn't work is (from BeautifulSoup document):

Pass in a value for name and you’ll tell Beautiful Soup to only consider tags with certain names. Text strings will be ignored, as will tags whose names that don’t match.

How to find the comment tag !--...-- with BeautifulSoup?

Pyparsing allows you to search for HTML comments using a builtin htmlComment expression, and attach parse-time callbacks to validate and extract the various data fields within the comment:

from pyparsing import makeHTMLTags, oneOf, withAttribute, Word, nums, Group, htmlComment
import calendar

# have pyparsing define tag start/end expressions for the
# tags we want to look for inside the comments
span,spanEnd = makeHTMLTags("span")
i,iEnd = makeHTMLTags("i")

# only want spans with class=titlefont

# define what specifically we are looking for in this comment
weekdayname = oneOf(list(calendar.day_name))
integer = Word(nums)
dateExpr = Group(weekdayname("day") + integer("daynum"))
commentBody = '<!--' + span + i + dateExpr("date") + iEnd

# define a parse action to attach to the standard htmlComment expression,
# to extract only what we want (or raise a ParseException in case
# this is not one of the comments we're looking for)
def grabCommentContents(tokens):
return commentBody.parseString(tokens[0])

# let's try it
htmlsource = """
want to match this one
<!-- <span class="titlefont"> <i>Wednesday 110518</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->

don't want the next one, wrong span class
<!-- <span class="bodyfont"> <i>Wednesday 110519</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->

not even a span tag!
<!-- some other text with a date in italics <i>Wednesday 110520</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->

another matching comment, on a different day
<!-- <span class="titlefont"> <i>Thursday 110521</i>(05:00PM)<br /></span> -->

for comment in htmlComment.searchString(htmlsource):
parsedDate =
# date info can be accessed like elements in a list
print parsedDate[0], parsedDate[1]
# because we named the expressions within the dateExpr Group
# we can also get at them by name (this is much more robust, and
# easier to maintain/update later)
print parsedDate.daynum


Wednesday 110518

Thursday 110521

Use BeautifulSoup to extract table data from comments

This will give you a list of all comments. .find_all returns a list of items.

comment = stats_page.find_all(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, bs4.Comment))

You cannot create a soup object from a list. From above comment is a list.

data =  BeautifulSoup(comment,'lxml')

That is why you get that Error.

You have to find out the comment that you are looking for by iterating over the comment and convert that to soup object. Then you can extract your data.

Extracting Text Between HTML Comments with BeautifulSoup

You just need to iterate through all of the available comments to see if it is one of your required entries, and then display the text for the following element as follows:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment

html = """
<p>p tag text</p>
I would like to get this text
I would also like to find this text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

for comment in soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment)):
print comment.next_element.strip()

This would display the following:

I would like to get this text
I would also like to find this text

Beautiful Soup 4: Remove comment tag and its content

You can use extract() (solution is based on this answer):

PageElement.extract() removes a tag or string from the tree. It
returns the tag or string that was extracted.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment

data = """<div class="foo">
cat dog sheep goat

soup = BeautifulSoup(data)

div = soup.find('div', class_='foo')
for element in div(text=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)):

print soup.prettify()

As a result you get your div without comments:

<div class="foo">
cat dog sheep goat

How can I strip comment tags from HTML using BeautifulSoup?

I am still trying to figure out why it
doesn't find and strip tags like this:
<!-- //-->. Those backslashes cause
certain tags to be overlooked.

This may be a problem with the underlying SGML parser: see You can override it by using a markupMassage regex -- straight from the docs:

import re, copy

myMassage = [(re.compile('<!-([^-])'), lambda match: '<!--' +]
myNewMassage = copy.copy(BeautifulSoup.MARKUP_MASSAGE)

BeautifulSoup(badString, markupMassage=myNewMassage)
# Foo<!--This comment is malformed.-->Bar<br />Baz

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