Database Does Not Update Automatically with MySQL and Python

Database does not update automatically with MySQL and Python

I am not certain, but I am going to guess you are using a INNODB table, and you haven't done a commit. I believe MySQLdb enable transactions automatically.

Call conn.commit() before calling close.

From the FAQ: Starting with 1.2.0, MySQLdb disables autocommit by default

Python mySQL Update, Working but not updating table




curb.execute ("UPDATE RadioGroups SET CurrentState=1 WHERE RadioID=11")

to commit all the changes that you 'loaded' into the mysql server

python database request not updating

You must either call MySQLdb.connections.Connection.commit before executing a query or set autocommit on the connection object.

Commiting before query

def readDbHeating():
global garageHeating
result = []
# commit
cursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM heating WHERE id = '1'")
for reading in cursor.fetchall():
result.append (reading)
garageHeating = result[0][8]
except () as e:
print (e)

Autocommit when creating a connection

mariadb_connection = mariadb.connect(
# Auto commit

Autocommit after connection creation


Unable to update SQL database using python Pymysql

You have to execute before commit.

with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# Create a new record
sql = "INSERT INTO `users` (`email`, `password`) VALUES (%s, %s)"
cursor.execute(sql, ('', 'very-secret'))

# connection is not autocommit by default. So you must commit to save
# your changes.

MySQL view doesn't update when underlaying table changes across different users

Instead of logging out and logging back in, user 2 could simply commit their transaction.

MySQL InnoDB tables use transactions, requiring a BEGIN before one or more SQL statements, and either COMMIT or ROLLBACK afterwards, resulting in all your updates/inserts/deletes either happening or not. But there's a "feature" that results in an automatic BEGIN if not explicitly issued, and an automatic COMMIT when the connection is closed. This is why you see the changes after the other user closes the connection.

You should really get into the habit of explicitly beginning and committing your transactions, but there's also another way: set connection.autocommit = True, which will result in every sql update/insert/delete being wrapped in its own implicit transaction, resulting in the behavior you originally expected.

Don't take what I said above to be entirely factually correct, but it suffices to explain the fundamentals of what's going on and how to control it.

Python/MySQL: Table isn't getting updated

You are missing the commit, you must commit your queries at the end of your INSERT's


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