Converting Text File into Json in a Specific Format ( Python )

Converting a Text file to JSON format using Python

You can read it as a csv file and convert it into json. But, be careful with spaces as you've used it as separator, the values with spaces should be carefully handled. Otherwise, if possible make the separator , instead of space.

the working code for what you're trying,

import csv
import json

with open('file.txt', 'rb') as csvfile:
filereader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
i = 0
header = []
out_data = []
for row in filereader:
row = [elem for elem in row if elem]
if i == 0:
i += 1
header = row
row[0:2] = [row[0]+" "+row[1]]
_dict = {}
for elem, header_elem in zip(row, header):
_dict[header_elem] = elem

print json.dumps(out_data)


"Source":"B cells",
"Source":"B cells",
"Source":"B cells",
"Source":"B cells",
"Source":"B cells",

UPDATE: Just noticed your updated question with json sample that you require. Hope, you could build it with the above example I've written.

Text file to JSON

Just use the line contents, do not use zip:

import json

result = []
with open('sample.txt', 'r') as f_in:
for line in f_in:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
continue # skip empty lines

result.append({'x': line, 'y': 'a'})

with open('formated.json', 'w') as f_out:
print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))
#f_out.write(json.dumps(result, indent=2))


"x": "1234",
"y": "a"
"x": "5678",
"y": "a"
"x": "9765",
"y": "a"

Converting a text file to JSON using Python

You can read each line, split it with ':' and build a dictionary with these two values. Then append the dictionary to a list. Finally you can use json.dumps to convert your Python object(list) to a string which is in JSON format.

import json

res = []
with open('<Path to file.txt>') as f:
for line in f:
kid, hex_key = line.strip().split(':')
res.append({'kid': kid, 'hex_key': hex_key})



[{"kid": "b770d5b4bb6b594daf985845aae9aa5f", "hex_key": "b0cb46d2d31cf044bc73db71e9865f6f"}, {"kid": "a6cde1a737b44799ad78f1c1df3bcc2d", "hex_key": "77aa72de248cf3649d052a49995c0c84"}, {"kid": "555040e976be48cebea579309f4e6339", "hex_key": "2b0003ca52ffc309ef76872c5ab3729c"}]

convert text to json with this format

Assuming you got the initial dict:

images = [{u'image_id': 0, u'caption': u'the man is playing a guitar'},
{u'image_id': 1, u'caption': u'a man is playing a guitar'},
{u'image_id': 2, u'caption': u'a woman is slicing cucumbers'},
{u'image_id': 3, u'caption': u'the woman is slicing cucumbers'},
{u'image_id': 4, u'caption': u'a woman is cutting cucumbers'}]

We can simply define the datasetRES object as :

datasetRES = {'annotations': images}

Now you can use the following code:

imgToAnnsRES = {ann['image_id']: [] for ann in datasetRES['annotations']}

convert content of text file to json in python

json_data = {}
with open("json_content.txt","r") as fp:
for line in fp.readlines():
if line != "\n":
split_data = line.split(':',)
json_data[split_data[0]] = split_data[1].split('\n')[0]



{'hostname': 'WGNAIOP', 'fsystem': '/dev/sdb', 'actual_size': '2.5T', 'used_disk': '609G', 'avail_disk': '1.7T', 'percentage': '26%', 'mount_disk': '/data'}

Convert txt file into JSON in python

There's no simple way in the standard library to convert that data format to JSON, so we need to write a parser. However, since the data format is fairly simple that's not hard to do. We can use the standard csv module to read the data. The csv.reader will handle the details of parsing spaces and quoted strings correctly. A quoted string will be treated as a single token, tokens consisting of a single word may be quoted but they don't need to be.

The csv.reader normally gets its data from an open file, but it's quite versatile, and will also read its data from a list of strings. This is convenient while testing since we can embed our input data into the script.

We parse the data into a nested dictionary. A simple way to keep track of the nesting is to use a stack, and we can use a plain list as our stack.

The code below assumes that input lines can be one of three forms:

  1. Plain data. The line consists of a key - value pair, separated by at least one space.
  2. A new subobject. The line starts with a key and ends in an open brace {.
  3. The end of the current subobject. The line contains a single close brace }

import csv
import json

raw = '''\
name {
first_name: "random"
addresses {
location {
locality: "India"
street_address: "xyz"
postal_code: "300092"
full_address: "street 1 , abc,India"
projects {
url: ""

# A stack to hold the parsed objects
stack = [{}]

reader = csv.reader(raw, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True)
for row in reader:
key = row[0]
if key == '}':
# The end of the current object
val = row[-1]
if val == '{':
# A new subobject
stack[-1][key] = d = {}
# A line of plain data
stack[-1][key] = val

# Convert to JSON
out = json.dumps(stack[0], indent=4)


"name": {
"first_name:": "random"
"addresses": {
"location": {
"locality:": "India",
"street_address:": "xyz",
"postal_code:": "300092",
"full_address:": "street 1 , abc,India"
"projects": {
"url:": ""

How to convert a text file in a set line range to json format by Python

First of all, never post screenshots, use the editor to type out the text.

You have to edit based on your requirements, it makes some assumptions based on your sample.


server_id = 1
port = 8000
port = 8001

all_lines = open('sample_input.txt', 'r').readlines() # reads all the lines from the text file

# skip lines, look for patterns here []
final_dict = {}

server = 0 # not yet found server
for line in all_lines:
if '[server]' in line:
final_dict['server'] = {}
server = 1
if '[client]' in line:
final_dict['client'] = {}
server = 2
if server == 1:
clean_line = line.strip() # get rid of empty space
k = clean_line.split('=')[0] # get the key
v = clean_line.split('=')[1]
final_dict['server'][k] = v

if server == 2:
# add try except too
clean_line = line.strip() # get rid of empty space
k = clean_line.split('=')[0] # get the key
v = clean_line.split('=')[1]
final_dict['client'][k] = v

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