Class Method Differences in Python: Bound, Unbound and Static

Class method differences in Python: bound, unbound and static

In Python, there is a distinction between bound and unbound methods.

Basically, a call to a member function (like method_one), a bound function


is translated to


i.e. a call to an unbound method. Because of that, a call to your version of method_two will fail with a TypeError

>>> a_test = Test() 
>>> a_test.method_two()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: method_two() takes no arguments (1 given)

You can change the behavior of a method using a decorator

class Test(object):
def method_one(self):
print "Called method_one"

def method_two():
print "Called method two"

The decorator tells the built-in default metaclass type (the class of a class, cf. this question) to not create bound methods for method_two.

Now, you can invoke static method both on an instance or on the class directly:

>>> a_test = Test()
>>> a_test.method_one()
Called method_one
>>> a_test.method_two()
Called method_two
>>> Test.method_two()
Called method_two

What is the difference between a function, an unbound method and a bound method?

A function is created by the def statement, or by lambda. Under Python 2, when a function appears within the body of a class statement (or is passed to a type class construction call), it is transformed into an unbound method. (Python 3 doesn't have unbound methods; see below.) When a function is accessed on a class instance, it is transformed into a bound method, that automatically supplies the instance to the method as the first self parameter.

def f1(self):

Here f1 is a function.

class C(object):
f1 = f1

Now C.f1 is an unbound method.

>>> C.f1
<unbound method C.f1>
>>> C.f1.im_func is f1

We can also use the type class constructor:

>>> C2 = type('C2', (object,), {'f1': f1})
>>> C2.f1
<unbound method C2.f1>

We can convert f1 to an unbound method manually:

>>> import types
>>> types.MethodType(f1, None, C)
<unbound method C.f1>

Unbound methods are bound by access on a class instance:

>>> C().f1
<bound method C.f1 of <__main__.C object at 0x2abeecf87250>>

Access is translated into calling through the descriptor protocol:

>>> C.f1.__get__(C(), C)
<bound method C.f1 of <__main__.C object at 0x2abeecf871d0>>

Combining these:

>>> types.MethodType(f1, None, C).__get__(C(), C)
<bound method C.f1 of <__main__.C object at 0x2abeecf87310>>

Or directly:

>>> types.MethodType(f1, C(), C)                
<bound method C.f1 of <__main__.C object at 0x2abeecf871d0>>

The main difference between a function and an unbound method is that the latter knows which class it is bound to; calling or binding an unbound method requires an instance of its class type:

>>> f1(None)
>>> C.f1(None)
TypeError: unbound method f1() must be called with C instance as first argument (got NoneType instance instead)
>>> class D(object): pass
>>> f1.__get__(D(), D)
<bound method D.f1 of <__main__.D object at 0x7f6c98cfe290>>
>>> C.f1.__get__(D(), D)
<unbound method C.f1>

Since the difference between a function and an unbound method is pretty minimal, Python 3 gets rid of the distinction; under Python 3 accessing a function on a class instance just gives you the function itself:

>>> C.f1
<function f1 at 0x7fdd06c4cd40>
>>> C.f1 is f1

In both Python 2 and Python 3, then, these three are equivalent:


Binding a function to an instance has the effect of fixing its first parameter (conventionally called self) to the instance. Thus the bound method C().f1 is equivalent to either of:

(lamdba *args, **kwargs: f1(C(), *args, **kwargs))
functools.partial(f1, C())

Differences between methods of a class, which are function and which are bound method ?

This answer will be really technical, I hope it's still understandable though. The problem is that it requires knowledge of the descriptor protocol to understand how methods in Python work.

All functions in Python 3 are descriptors, to be precise they are non-data descriptors. That means they implements a __get__ method - but no __set__ method.

That's interesting because descriptors can do (almost) anything if they are looked up on a class or an instance.

By the definition of the __get__ method in Pythons data model:

object.__get__(self, instance, owner)

Called to get the attribute of the owner class (class attribute access) or of an instance of that class (instance attribute access). owner is always the owner class, while instance is the instance that the attribute was accessed through, or None when the attribute is accessed through the owner. This method should return the (computed) attribute value or raise an AttributeError exception.

So what does this have to do with the difference between function and bound_method?

It's easy, a function accessed through __get__ with an instance=None will return itself:

>>> def func(x): return x
>>> func.__get__(None, object)
<function __main__.func>
>>> func.__get__(None, object) is func

While it will be a bound_method if accessed with an not-None instance:

>>> func.__get__(object())
<bound method func of <object object at 0x00000155614A0610>>

It's basically just a wrapper around func with the instance stored:

>>> m = func.__get__(object())
>>> m.__self__ # stored instance
<object at 0x155614a0650>

>>> m.__func__ # stored function
<function __main__.func>

However, when called, it will pass the instance as first argument to the wrapped function:

>>> m()
<object at 0x155614a0650>

So, bound methods will pass the instance as first argument, while functions do not (they requires all attributes).

So when you look at a class all normal methods will display as functions while all normal methods on an instance will be bound methods.

Why did I mention normal methods? Because you can define arbitrary descriptors. For example the Python built-ins already contain several exceptions:

  • classmethod
  • staticmethod
  • property (this is in fact a data-descriptor so I'll neglect it in the following discussion)

classmethods will display as bound method even when looked up on the class. That's because they are meant to be callable on the class and pass the class to the function, no matter if they are called on the class or the instance:

class Test(object):
def func(x):
return x

>>> Test.func
<bound method Test.func of <class '__main__.Test'>>
>>> Test().func
<bound method Test.func of <class '__main__.Test'>>

And staticmethods always display as functions because they never pass anything additional to the function:

class Test(object):
def func(x):
return x

>>> Test().func
<function __main__.Test.func>
>>> Test.func
<function __main__.Test.func>

So it's easily possible to see also bound methods on the class (e.g. classmethods) and likewise one could also find normal functions on instances (e.g. staticmethods).

Difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod

Maybe a bit of example code will help: Notice the difference in the call signatures of foo, class_foo and static_foo:

class A(object):
def foo(self, x):
print(f"executing foo({self}, {x})")

def class_foo(cls, x):
print(f"executing class_foo({cls}, {x})")

def static_foo(x):
print(f"executing static_foo({x})")

a = A()

Below is the usual way an object instance calls a method. The object instance, a, is implicitly passed as the first argument.
# executing foo(<__main__.A object at 0xb7dbef0c>, 1)

With classmethods, the class of the object instance is implicitly passed as the first argument instead of self.

# executing class_foo(<class '__main__.A'>, 1)

You can also call class_foo using the class. In fact, if you define something to be
a classmethod, it is probably because you intend to call it from the class rather than from a class instance. would have raised a TypeError, but A.class_foo(1) works just fine:

# executing class_foo(<class '__main__.A'>, 1)

One use people have found for class methods is to create inheritable alternative constructors.

With staticmethods, neither self (the object instance) nor cls (the class) is implicitly passed as the first argument. They behave like plain functions except that you can call them from an instance or the class:

# executing static_foo(1)

# executing static_foo(hi)

Staticmethods are used to group functions which have some logical connection with a class to the class.

foo is just a function, but when you call you don't just get the function,
you get a "partially applied" version of the function with the object instance a bound as the first argument to the function. foo expects 2 arguments, while only expects 1 argument.

a is bound to foo. That is what is meant by the term "bound" below:

# <bound method of <__main__.A object at 0xb7d52f0c>>

With a.class_foo, a is not bound to class_foo, rather the class A is bound to class_foo.

# <bound method type.class_foo of <class '__main__.A'>>

Here, with a staticmethod, even though it is a method, a.static_foo just returns
a good 'ole function with no arguments bound. static_foo expects 1 argument, and
a.static_foo expects 1 argument too.

# <function static_foo at 0xb7d479cc>

And of course the same thing happens when you call static_foo with the class A instead.

# <function static_foo at 0xb7d479cc>

Class method differences in Python: bound, unbound and static

In Python, there is a distinction between bound and unbound methods.

Basically, a call to a member function (like method_one), a bound function


is translated to


i.e. a call to an unbound method. Because of that, a call to your version of method_two will fail with a TypeError

>>> a_test = Test() 
>>> a_test.method_two()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: method_two() takes no arguments (1 given)

You can change the behavior of a method using a decorator

class Test(object):
def method_one(self):
print "Called method_one"

def method_two():
print "Called method two"

The decorator tells the built-in default metaclass type (the class of a class, cf. this question) to not create bound methods for method_two.

Now, you can invoke static method both on an instance or on the class directly:

>>> a_test = Test()
>>> a_test.method_one()
Called method_one
>>> a_test.method_two()
Called method_two
>>> Test.method_two()
Called method_two

What's the difference between a 'function', 'method' and 'bound method' in Python 3?

Is 'method' a type equivalent to 'unbound method' in Python 2?

Kind-a-sort-a. But not really. It is a method_descriptor object defined in C code. It is an unbound method, but not the kind you found in Python 2.

For Python types written C, all 'methods' are really C functions. The <method 'name' of 'type' objects> object you found is a special object you can use to call that function given an instance and further arguments, just like the function object does for custom Python classes. The object is defined in C in the PyMethodDescr_Type structure. It implements the descriptor protocol, just like functions do.

Python defines several other such descriptor types; if you use __slots__, each attribute is a dsescriptor of type member_descriptor (see the PyMemberDescr_Type structure), while classmethod, property and staticmethod are perhaps better known descriptor objects.

In Python 2, bound and unbound methods are really just one type, instancemethod (defined by the PyMethod_Type structure); it'll report as bound if the __self__ (im_self) attribute is set. In Python 3 using a function as a descriptor simply doesn't produce method objects without __self__ set; instead calling function.__get__() with no instance just returns the function again.

The only reason Python 2 returns unbound methods is to enforce a type check; the first argument must be an instance of the class (or a subclass thereof). This didn't make all that much sense for Python code that supports duck-typing, so in Python 3 the restriction was removed. However, with C code you can't use duck-typing, you still have to restrict the type, and that's why C-types still return a method_descriptor object that enforces this restriction.

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