Telegram Botapi, Send Message to Multiple Chat_Id

Telegram BotApi, Send message to multiple chat_id

There is no way to make bot to sendMessage to multiple chat id but there is a trick that can fix it for now :)

Why not sending each chat id a message ?!

Let's look at this example in PHP :

$message = "Hi John";
$chatIds = array("xxx","xxx","xxx"); // AND SOME MORE
foreach($chatIds as $chatId) {
// Send Message To chat id

Reply to multiple users telegram (Message Id) PHP Bot

each message has a different id, and you should reply to each message of any user separately.

telegram api send message to specific user

You cannot send a user specific message in a group. Still you have other options:

  • Send a link to the group and mention the user to start your bot with that link for their message
  • Send a message with inline button that would only work for that specific user. Then when the user clicks on that button, a callback alert appears with the message.

How to send '#' to chat with Telegram bot API?

You did not url-encode the string properly, it should be


Instead off


The complete url:<TOKEN>/sendMessage?chat_id=<CHAT-ID>&text=Hello%20%23%20World

Sample Image

Python / Send message to specific telegram user?

you already have a bot and its token

after that you need to get the chat_id:

  1. write message in the chat
  2. Visit<YourBOTToken>/getUpdates and get the chat_id under the key message['chat']['id']
    import requests

def telegram_bot_sendtext(bot_message):

bot_token = ''
bot_chatID = ''
send_text = '' + bot_token + '/sendMessage?chat_id=' + bot_chatID + '&parse_mode=Markdown&text=' + bot_message

response = requests.get(send_text)

return response.json()

test = telegram_bot_sendtext("Testing Telegram bot")

more info -

Send Telegram bot messages with formatted text

Use one * instead of two as detailed in the official documentation.

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