Symfony2 - Creating Own Vendor Bundle - Project and Git Strategy

Symfony2 - creating own vendor bundle - project and git strategy

Create a new empty symfony project

php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition demo/ 2.4.1
cd demo

Generate a new bundle

(for example src/Company/DemoBundle)

php app/console generate:bundle
cd src/Company/DemoBundle/

Init your github repository in src/Company/DemoBundle

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Add a composer.json file


"name" : "company/demobundle",
"description" : "A demo bundle",
"type" : "symfony-bundle",
"authors" : [{
"name" : "demo",
"email" : ""
"keywords" : [
"demo bundle"
"license" : [
"require" : {
"autoload" : {
"psr-0" : {
"Company\\DemoBundle" : ""
"target-dir" : "Company/DemoBundle",
"repositories" : [{
"extra" : {
"branch-alias" : {
"dev-master" : "some_version-dev"

Now you have the base structure of your bundle

Use it in another project


"require" : {
"company/demobundle" : "dev-master"
"repositories" : [{
"type" : "vcs",
"url" : ""


curl -sS | php
php composer.phar update company/demobundle


new Company\DemoBundle\CompanyDemoBundle(),

Work on it

  • You can clone your DemoBundle in the src/Company folder, then manually install it
  • You can use symlink


You can develop and test your bundle in your first project and use it with github and composer in your second project.

Symfony own vendor bundle dependencies

The answer is yes. You will not find the answer inside the Symfony Core, but there is the Symfony Bundle Dependencies package that just covers this need.

In all my projects I'm using it, not because makes me cooler, but because I want to really respect the integrity of all my bundles, and without this library, my bundles have not integrity at all (it sounds like when Symfony was at 2.0 with deps files, instead of going on top of composer)

ATM, no other option.

Creating vendor bundle in symfony2 and deploying it via composer

Your current bundle structure is more suitable for the psr-4 autoloader:

"autoload" : {
"psr-4" : {
"Vted\\PearyBundle\\" : ""

Alternatively, you can use the target-dir with psr-0. However, the psr-4 autoloader is preferred.

Annotated routing in own Symfony3 vendor bundle

It seems that you forget to add this:

resource: .
type: extra

in app/config/routing.yml.

See Using the custom Loader.

Custom vendor bundle namespace not loaded

In PSR-0, your bundle structure should exactly reflect your namespace.

So, to make it works move the content of your bundle in


Instead of


Or, use target-dir as pointed by @OlivierHenry.

Or, use PSR-4 as almost every 3rd party bundles, plus it's recommended by Symfony:

The PSR-4 autoload standard is recommended for modern bundles

From Best practices for reusable bundles.

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