Sum Value in Foreach Loop Every 3 Time Looping

Sum values in foreach loop php

$sum = 0;
foreach($group as $key=>$value)
$sum+= $value;
echo $sum;

Calculate foreach group in loop by 3 PHP

A (very) basic solution (for my tests, I fix the typo on February month name) :

function getNextMonth($month) {
$months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'];

$pos = array_search($month, $months);

if ($pos === false) {
throw new Exception('Invalid month');

if ($pos == 11) {
return 'January';
// should return also year + 1

return $months[$pos+1];

$i = 1;
$trimestreSum = 0;
$trimestres = [];
foreach($salaries as $month) {
$trimestreSum += $month['salary'];
if ($i % 3 == 0) {
array_push($trimestres, [
'month' => getNextMonth($month['month']),
'sum' => $trimestreSum,
$i = 0;
$trimestreSum = 0;



The result is

[0] => Array
[month] => April
[sum] => 900
[1] => Array
[month] => July
[sum] => 1800
[2] => Array
[month] => October
[sum] => 2700
[3] => Array
[month] => January
[sum] => 2430

The getNextMonth may be the only piece of code you need to add to your own code :)

Pretty sure that there are shorter (and more elegant) solutions, but hope that helps anyway.

sum amounts obtained in foreach

You want the total to accumulate over all the loops, so you define it outside the loop and add to it each time around:

$total = 0;
foreach ($products as $product) {
$subtotal = $product['price']*$product['quantity'];
$total += $subtotal;

echo $total;

Sum of values in a foreach loop php

You could use array_sum() with array_column() to compute the total sum of "pay".
Then you could use array_map() to compute the average of individual sum along the total sum.

$data = [
["pay" => "2010000"],
["pay" => "3010000"],
["pay" => "3920000"],
$sum = array_sum(array_column($data, 'pay'));
$out = array_map(function($item) use($sum) {
return ['finalResult' => $item['pay'] / $sum] ;
}, $data);


[0] => Array
[finalResult] => 0.2248322147651

[1] => Array
[finalResult] => 0.33668903803132

[2] => Array
[finalResult] => 0.43847874720358


Or :

$data = [
["pay" => "2010000"],
["pay" => "3010000"],
["pay" => "3920000"],
$sum = array_sum(array_column($data, 'pay'));
$out = array_map(function($item) use($sum) {
return $item['pay'] / $sum ;
}, $data);


[0] => 0.2248322147651
[1] => 0.33668903803132
[2] => 0.43847874720358

PHP - For each loop - skip if identical values (but still sum values)

Assuming the $input array has at least two columns per row, namely 'CODE' and 'VALUE', we can use the 'CODE' as a key (which is intrinsically unique) to sum the values in our $output array:

$output = array();
foreach($input as $row)
$key = $row['CODE'];
$value = $row['VALUE'];
$output[$key] = isset($output[$key]) ? $output[$key] + $value : $value;

Please note that the above solution causes the $output array to grow dynamically, which can be a (time) problem for large arrays. If this is the case, please consider pre-calculating unique values for $input[$i]['CODE'] $i=1 ... count($input) so that you can pre-allocate the $output array by using array_pad.

Sum values in foreach loop in [php]

You could add sum variable for both tot_Price and unit_Price and add in foreach loop

<?php $sum_tot_Price = 0 ?>
<?php $sum_unit_Price = 0 ?>
@foreach ($yourData as X_land)
<td>{{ $X_land->house_Type }}</td>
<td class="address">{{ $X_land->the_Location }}</td>
<td>{{ $X_land->tot_Price }}</td>
<td>{{ $X_land->tran_Area }}</td>
<td>{{ $X_land->unit_Price }}</td>
<td><button id="opener<?php echo $opencount?>">詳細資訊</button></td>
<?php $sum_tot_Price += $X_land->tot_Price ?>
<?php $sum_unit_Price += $X_land->unit_Price ?>

<td>Sum tot_Price {{ $sum_tot_Price}}</td>
<td>Sum unit_Price {{ $sum_unit_Price}}</td>

Use Linq instead of nested foreach loops to sum values

You can use SelectMany,

var allLines = journal
.SelectMany(j => j.trans
.SelectMany(l => l.line)

var posVal = allLines.Where(x => x.val > 0).Sum(x => x.val);
var negVal = allLines.Where(x => x.val < 0).Sum(x => x.val);

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