Split String into Sentences Using Regex

Python - RegEx for splitting text into sentences (sentence-tokenizing)


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Split text into sentences using Regex

Use the following RegEx:

.*?\.(?= [A-Z]|$)

.*? will select optional data, however it is lazy (it will select up to the first .)

The (?=) is a Positive Lookahead. It will check the data exists, but not capture it, so you will not end up with My first sentence. M, like the RegEx below. It will check for either a space followed by an uppercase letter ([A-Z]), or (|) the end of the string ($)

Live Demo on Regex101

Safest Regex (deals with Mr. and Mrs.)

To stop the Mr. from messing up the RegEx, you can add a Negative Lookbehind to the RegEx:

.*?(?<!Mr|Mrs)\.(?= [A-Z]|$)

The Negative Lookbehind will look backwards to check if there is a Mr or Mrs before the dot. If there is, the match will fail (this will not be the end of a sentence).

Live Demo on Regex101

You could use .*?\. [A-Z], however that will not catch the last sentence in the string. It will also match the space and letter after the sentence, i.e. My first sentence. M

The main problem with your RegEx was that the very first .* was not lazy, it should have been .*?, however the capture groups were also a little weird too.

Splitting text into sentences using regex in Python

Any ideas on how to remove the extra '' at the end of my current

You could remove it by doing this:


Or faster (by ᴄᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ)

del result[-1]


['The first time you see The Second Renaissance it may look boring', 'Look at it at least twice and definitely watch part 2', 'It will change your view of the matrix', 'Are the human people the ones who started the war', 'Is AI a bad thing']

Split string into sentences using regex

As it should be expected, any sort of natural language processing is not a trivial task. The reason for it is that they are evolutionary systems. There is no single person who sat down and thought about which are good ideas and which - not. Every rule has 20-40% exceptions. With that said the complexity of a single regex that can do your bidding would be off the charts. Still, the following solution relies mainly on regexes.

  • The idea is to gradually go over the text.
  • At any given time, the current chunk of the text will be contained in two different parts. One, which is the candidate for a substring before a sentence boundary and another - after.
  • The first 10 regex pairs detect positions which look like sentence boundaries, but actually aren't. In that case, before and after are advanced without registering a new sentence.
  • If none of these pairs matches, matching will be attempted with the last 3 pairs, possibly detecting a boundary.

As for where did these regexes come from? - I translated this Ruby library, which is generated based on this paper. If you truly want to understand them, there is no alternative but to read the paper.

As far as accuracy goes - I encourage you to test it with different texts. After some experimentation, I was very pleasantly surprised.

In terms of performance - the regexes should be highly performant as all of them have either a \A or \Z anchor, there are almost no repetition quantifiers, and in the places there are - there can't be any backtracking. Still, regexes are regexes. You will have to do some benchmarking if you plan to use this is tight loops on huge chunks of text.

Mandatory disclaimer: excuse my rusty php skills. The following code might not be the most idiomatic php ever, it should still be clear enough to get the point across.

function sentence_split($text) {
$before_regexes = array('/(?:(?:[\'\"„][\.!?…][\'\"”]\s)|(?:[^\.]\s[A-Z]\.\s)|(?:\b(?:St|Gen|Hon|Prof|Dr|Mr|Ms|Mrs|[JS]r|Col|Maj|Brig|Sgt|Capt|Cmnd|Sen|Rev|Rep|Revd)\.\s)|(?:\b(?:St|Gen|Hon|Prof|Dr|Mr|Ms|Mrs|[JS]r|Col|Maj|Brig|Sgt|Capt|Cmnd|Sen|Rev|Rep|Revd)\.\s[A-Z]\.\s)|(?:\bApr\.\s)|(?:\bAug\.\s)|(?:\bBros\.\s)|(?:\bCo\.\s)|(?:\bCorp\.\s)|(?:\bDec\.\s)|(?:\bDist\.\s)|(?:\bFeb\.\s)|(?:\bInc\.\s)|(?:\bJan\.\s)|(?:\bJul\.\s)|(?:\bJun\.\s)|(?:\bMar\.\s)|(?:\bNov\.\s)|(?:\bOct\.\s)|(?:\bPh\.?D\.\s)|(?:\bSept?\.\s)|(?:\b\p{Lu}\.\p{Lu}\.\s)|(?:\b\p{Lu}\.\s\p{Lu}\.\s)|(?:\bcf\.\s)|(?:\be\.g\.\s)|(?:\besp\.\s)|(?:\bet\b\s\bal\.\s)|(?:\bvs\.\s)|(?:\p{Ps}[!?]+\p{Pe} ))\Z/su',
'/(?:(?:[\[\(]*\.\.\.[\]\)]* ))\Z/su',
'/(?:(?:[\.!?…]+\p{Pe} )|(?:[\[\(]*…[\]\)]* ))\Z/su',
$after_regexes = array('/\A(?:)/su',
$is_sentence_boundary = array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true);
$count = 13;

$sentences = array();
$sentence = '';
$before = '';
$after = substr($text, 0, 10);
$text = substr($text, 10);

while($text != '') {
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if(preg_match($before_regexes[$i], $before) && preg_match($after_regexes[$i], $after)) {
if($is_sentence_boundary[$i]) {
array_push($sentences, $sentence);
$sentence = '';

$first_from_text = $text[0];
$text = substr($text, 1);
$first_from_after = $after[0];
$after = substr($after, 1);
$before .= $first_from_after;
$sentence .= $first_from_after;
$after .= $first_from_text;

if($sentence != '' && $after != '') {
array_push($sentences, $sentence.$after);

return $sentences;

$text = "Mr. Entertainment media properties. Fairy Tail 3.5 and Tokyo Ghoul.";

How do I split a string into sentences whilst including the punctuation marks?

Try splitting on a lookbehind:

sentences = re.split('(?<=[\.\?\!])\s*', x)

['This is an example sentence.', 'I want to include punctuation!',
'What is wrong with my code?', 'It makes me want to yell, "PLEASE HELP ME!"']

This regex trick works by splitting when we see a punctuation symbol immediately behind us. In this case, we also match and consume any whitespace in front of us, before we continue down the input string.

Here is my mediocre attempt to deal with the double quote problem:

x = 'This is an example sentence. I want to include punctuation! "What is wrong with my code?"  It makes me want to yell, "PLEASE HELP ME!"'
sentences = re.split('((?<=[.?!]")|((?<=[.?!])(?!")))\s*', x)
print filter(None, sentences)

['This is an example sentence.', 'I want to include punctuation!',
'"What is wrong with my code?"', 'It makes me want to yell, "PLEASE HELP ME!"']

Note that it correctly splits even sentences which end in double quotes.

Regex To Split String Into Sentences

I tried this

import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.Locale;

public class StringSplit {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
BreakIterator iterator = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale.US);
String source = "This is a sentence. This is another. Rawlings, G. stated foo and bar.";
int start = iterator.first();
for ( int end = iterator.next();
end != BreakIterator.DONE;
start = end, end = iterator.next()) {
System.out.println(source.substring(start, end));

out put is

This is a sentence.
This is another.
Rawlings, G. stated foo and bar.

Split string into sentences in javascript

str.replace(/([.?!])\s*(?=[A-Z])/g, "$1|").split("|")


[ 'This is a long string with some numbers [125.000,55 and 140.000] and an end.',
'This is another sentence.' ]


([.?!]) = Capture either . or ? or !

\s* = Capture 0 or more whitespace characters following the previous token ([.?!]). This accounts for spaces following a punctuation mark which matches the English language grammar.

(?=[A-Z]) = The previous tokens only match if the next character is within the range A-Z (capital A to capital Z). Most English language sentences start with a capital letter. None of the previous regexes take this into account.

The replace operation uses:


We used one "capturing group" ([.?!]) and we capture one of those characters, and replace it with $1 (the match) plus |. So if we captured ? then the replacement would be ?|.

Finally, we split the pipes | and get our result.

So, essentially, what we are saying is this:

1) Find punctuation marks (one of . or ? or !) and capture them

2) Punctuation marks can optionally include spaces after them.

3) After a punctuation mark, I expect a capital letter.

Unlike the previous regular expressions provided, this would properly match the English language grammar.

From there:

4) We replace the captured punctuation marks by appending a pipe |

5) We split the pipes to create an array of sentences.

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