Removing Last Comma in PHP

How do I remove the last comma from a string using PHP?

Use the rtrim function:

rtrim($my_string, ',');

The Second parameter indicates the character to be deleted.

How do I remove a comma off the end of a string?

$string = rtrim($string, ',');

Docs for rtrim here

How to replace last comma in string with and using php?

To replace only the last occurrence, I think the better way is:

$likes = 'Apple, Samsung, Microsoft';
$likes = substr_replace($likes, ' and', strrpos($likes, ','), 1);

strrpos finds the position of last comma, and substr_replace puts the desired string in that place replacing '1' characters in this case.

Php how to remove any last commas

rtrim('test,,,,,', ',');

See the manual.

How remove the last comma in my string?

I am guessing that you are trying to take an array of strings of space separated ids and flatten it into a comma separated list of the ids.

If that is correct you can do it as:

$arr = [
'abc def ghi',
'jklm nopq rstu',
$list = implode(', ', explode(' ', implode(' ', $arr)));
echo $list;


abc, def, ghi, jklm, nopq, rstu, vwxy

Removing last comma from a foreach loop

Put your values in an array and then implode that array with a comma (+ a space to be cleaner):

$myArray = array();
foreach ($this->sinonimo as $s){
$myArray[] = '<span>'.ucfirst($s->sinonimo).'</span>';

echo implode( ', ', $myArray );

This will put commas inbetween each value, but not at the end. Also in this case the comma will be outside the span, like:

<span>Text1<span>, <span>Text2<span>, <span>Text3<span>

remove last comma from string in while loop in php?

Take the post titles in an array and Use Implode instead ..

$cat = get_terms('car_category'); // you can put your custom taxonomy name as place of category.
foreach ($cat as $catVal) {
echo '<b>'.$catVal->name.'</b>';
$postArg = array('post_type'=>'cars','posts_per_page'=>5,'order'=>'desc',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'car_category',
'field' => 'term_id',
'terms' => $catVal->term_id

$getPost = new wp_query($postArg);
global $post;

$str = array();

while ( $getPost->have_posts()):$getPost->the_post();
$str[] = $post->post_title;

echo '<div class="yearDiv">';
echo '<span>'.implode(', ', $str).'</span>';
echo '</div>'

How to remove the last comma in for loop

for( $x=1 ; $x<=10 ; $x++){
echo "$x";
echo ",";

Check for the last iteration and avoid ','

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