Removing Last Comma from a Foreach Loop

Removing last comma from a foreach loop

Put your values in an array and then implode that array with a comma (+ a space to be cleaner):

$myArray = array();
foreach ($this->sinonimo as $s){
$myArray[] = '<span>'.ucfirst($s->sinonimo).'</span>';

echo implode( ', ', $myArray );

This will put commas inbetween each value, but not at the end. Also in this case the comma will be outside the span, like:

<span>Text1<span>, <span>Text2<span>, <span>Text3<span>

How to remove the last comma from foreach loop?

By placing the HTML in a simple string variable and then using rtrim() on the resulting string before outputting it this should remove the final , from the string

$out = '';

foreach ($snippet_tags as $tag_data) {
$tags_id = $tag_data->tag_id;
$tagsdata = $this->Constant_model->getDataOneColumn('tags', 'id', $tags_id);

// move inside loop and amend to place in a simple string var
$out .= '<a href="' . base_url() . 'tags/' . $tag_name . '">' . $tag_name . '</a>,';

echo rtrim($out, ',');

Removing Last Comma in a For & Foreach Loop

Do not display the text immediately. "Cache it" and then display it, but remove the last character either by substr or rtrim

for ($i = 0; $i < $compatibilitycount; $i++) {
$result = '';
foreach ($xml->Item->ItemCompatibilityList->Compatibility[$i] as $compatibility ) {
if ($compatibility->Value != '') {
$result .= $compatibility->Value . ',';
echo substr($result, 0, -1) . '<br />';
// or echo rtrim($result, ',') . '<br />';

How to remove the last comma in for loop

for( $x=1 ; $x<=10 ; $x++){
echo "$x";
echo ",";

Check for the last iteration and avoid ','

How to remove the last comma from the last item generated from a foreach loop, inside a function

Simply trim() it with your own character list

  foreach ($jsonbreadcrumbs as $crumb) {
$link = ucwords(str_replace(array(".php","-","_"), array(""," "," "), $crumb));
$root_domain .= $crumb . '/';
$jsonbreadcrumb .= '{"@type": "ListItem",';
$jsonbreadcrumb .= '"position":' . $itemNumber++ . ',';
$jsonbreadcrumb .= "\"name\": \"{$link}\",";
$jsonbreadcrumb .= "\"item\": \"{$root_domain}\"},";//<---this last comma,when it belongs to the last item, needs to be removed.
$jsonbreadcrumb=trim($jsonbreadcrumb,","); // this removes that trailing comma...
$jsonbreadcrumb .= ']}</script>';

remove last comma from string in while loop in php?

Take the post titles in an array and Use Implode instead ..

$cat = get_terms('car_category'); // you can put your custom taxonomy name as place of category.
foreach ($cat as $catVal) {
echo '<b>'.$catVal->name.'</b>';
$postArg = array('post_type'=>'cars','posts_per_page'=>5,'order'=>'desc',
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'car_category',
'field' => 'term_id',
'terms' => $catVal->term_id

$getPost = new wp_query($postArg);
global $post;

$str = array();

while ( $getPost->have_posts()):$getPost->the_post();
$str[] = $post->post_title;

echo '<div class="yearDiv">';
echo '<span>'.implode(', ', $str).'</span>';
echo '</div>'

Remove comma from last result in nested forEach loop

I'd use map/join:

const email = "";

const body = {

"fruit": ["apple"],

"vegetables": ["carrot", "beans"],

"dairy": ["milk", "cheese"]


const values = Object.keys(body)

.map(key =>


.map(item => `('${item}', '${key}', '${email}')`)

.join(', ')


.join(', ');


Remove foreach last comma PHP

One way to solve this is to not echo out the commas in the foreach loop. Put the data you want to echo into an array, then use implode.

$output = array();
foreach($result as $r) {
$output[] = $r['lenght'];

echo implode(',', $output);

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