Print Array to a File

Print array to a file

Either var_export or set print_r to return the output instead of printing it.

Example from PHP manual

$b = array (
'm' => 'monkey',
'foo' => 'bar',
'x' => array ('x', 'y', 'z'));

$results = print_r($b, true); // $results now contains output from print_r

You can then save $results with file_put_contents. Or return it directly when writing to file:

file_put_contents('filename.txt', print_r($b, true));

How save a array to text file in python?

This is a possible solution:

data = [['nameservers','panel'], ['nameservers','panel']]

with open("output.txt", "w") as txt_file:
for line in data:
txt_file.write(" ".join(line) + "\n") # works with any number of elements in a line

How to write an array to file in C

Since the size of the data is fixed, one simple way of writing this entire array into a file is using the binary writing mode:

FILE *f = fopen("", "wb");
fwrite(clientdata, sizeof(char), sizeof(clientdata), f);

This writes out the whole 2D array at once, writing over the content of the file that has been there previously.

how to write an array to a file Java

Like others said, you can just loop over the array and print out the elements one by one. To make the output show up as numbers instead of "letters and symbols" you were seeing, you need to convert each element to a string. So your code becomes something like this:

public static void write (String filename, int[]x) throws IOException{
BufferedWriter outputWriter = null;
outputWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename));
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// Maybe:
// Or:

If you just want to print out the array like [1, 2, 3, ....], you can replace the loop with this one liner:


printing an array from .txt file java

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.*;

public class ArrayOperations {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
List<Integer> readFromFile = readFromFile("data.txt") ;
printArray(readFromFile) ;
public static List<Integer> readFromFile(String fileName)
throws FileNotFoundException
File f = new File(fileName);
Scanner fileIn = new Scanner (f);
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
while (fileIn.hasNextInt()){ // quit when you encounter ‘Q’
int num = fileIn.nextInt();

}// end while
return list;
} // end readFromFile

public static String printArray( List<Integer> readFromFile){
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < readFromFile.size(); i++){
str = str + Integer.toString(readFromFile.get(i)) + " ";
return str;

print array contents to a file using gdb

You can use:

(gdb) set logging file large_array.txt
(gdb) set logging on

By default the logging file name is gdb.txt

You can find more details at:

There is also one WA gdb --args a.out arg1 ... |& tee gdb_out.txt

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