PHP - Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which Is Required by Wordpress

Php - Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress

The php mysql api is deprecated. It's kaput --- going away -- not to be used, finito.

If you have a modern version of PHP (> 5.6) then Wordpress should automatically switch to make use of mysqli. That should be your first attempt.

If you can not update your php, rather than attempting to resurrect something that php no longer supports, just patch your wordpress:

If you are already running a modern version of PHP, then this is likely because you don't have the mysqli extension in your version of PHP. You can check this using php -i from your server OS, or make a page with <php phpinfo(); and navigate to that page with your browser. There will be section for all the extensions.

If you don't have the mysqli extension installed, follow the instructions from the official PHP documentation.

Wordpress- Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress

Got this working via these steps:

I had to do the very last step- edit the .htaccess outside the website root.

Wamp and Xampp Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

OK I just found a solution that works for me: in wamp, click on the icon -> php -> version -> 5.6

Your PHP installation appears to be missing MYSQL extension which is required by wordpress for redhat

Probably, you need to install the MySQL extension for PHP:

# yum install php-mysql

Then restart Apache

# service httpd restart

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress. On Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Thanks for contributing to the answer.

Nothing worked to solve this issue. Although I faced the same issue. @igor yavych answer was quite useful.

Finally R&D worked and here's the final solution:

In order to deploy PHP applications, you will need to implement the following “PHP-FastCGI” solution to allow nginx to properly handle and serve pages that contain PHP code.

sudo apt-get install php5-cli php5-cgi php5-fpm

Now, install NGINX:

sudo apt-get install nginx

Now configure NGINX then restart NGINX and PHP5-fpm:

service php5-fpm restart
/etc/init.d/nginx restart

Issue the following command to install the MySQL server packages and required PHP support for MySQL (You do not have to purge MySQL Server):

sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql

Finally restart php5-fpm:

service php5-fpm restart

Congratulations! Now it's working!

You can also check my step-by-step guide.

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