List of Big-O For PHP Functions

List of Big-O for PHP functions

Since it doesn't seem like anyone has done this before I thought it'd be good idea to have it for reference somewhere. I've gone though and either via benchmark or code-skimming to characterize the array_* functions. I've tried to put the more interesting Big-O near the top. This list is not complete.

Note: All the Big-O where calculated assuming a hash lookup is O(1) even though it's really O(n). The coefficient of the n is so low, the ram overhead of storing a large enough array would hurt you before the characteristics of lookup Big-O would start taking effect. For example the difference between a call to array_key_exists at N=1 and N=1,000,000 is ~50% time increase.

Interesting Points:

  1. isset/array_key_exists is much faster than in_array and array_search
  2. +(union) is a bit faster than array_merge (and looks nicer). But it does work differently so keep that in mind.
  3. shuffle is on the same Big-O tier as array_rand
  4. array_pop/array_push is faster than array_shift/array_unshift due to re-index penalty


array_key_exists O(n) but really close to O(1) - this is because of linear polling in collisions, but because the chance of collisions is very small, the coefficient is also very small. I find you treat hash lookups as O(1) to give a more realistic big-O. For example the different between N=1000 and N=100000 is only about 50% slow down.

isset( $array[$index] ) O(n) but really close to O(1) - it uses the same lookup as array_key_exists. Since it's language construct, will cache the lookup if the key is hardcoded, resulting in speed up in cases where the same key is used repeatedly.

in_array O(n) - this is because it does a linear search though the array until it finds the value.

array_search O(n) - it uses the same core function as in_array but returns value.

Queue functions:

array_push O(∑ var_i, for all i)

array_pop O(1)

array_shift O(n) - it has to reindex all the keys

array_unshift O(n + ∑ var_i, for all i) - it has to reindex all the keys

Array Intersection, Union, Subtraction:

array_intersect_key if intersection 100% do O(Max(param_i_size)*∑param_i_count, for all i), if intersection 0% intersect O(∑param_i_size, for all i)

array_intersect if intersection 100% do O(n^2*∑param_i_count, for all i), if intersection 0% intersect O(n^2)

array_intersect_assoc if intersection 100% do O(Max(param_i_size)*∑param_i_count, for all i), if intersection 0% intersect O(∑param_i_size, for all i)

array_diff O(π param_i_size, for all i) - That's product of all the param_sizes

array_diff_key O(∑ param_i_size, for i != 1) - this is because we don't need to iterate over the first array.

array_merge O( ∑ array_i, i != 1 ) - doesn't need to iterate over the first array

+ (union) O(n), where n is size of the 2nd array (ie array_first + array_second) - less overhead than array_merge since it doesn't have to renumber

array_replace O( ∑ array_i, for all i )


shuffle O(n)

array_rand O(n) - Requires a linear poll.

Obvious Big-O:

array_fill O(n)

array_fill_keys O(n)

range O(n)

array_splice O(offset + length)

array_slice O(offset + length) or O(n) if length = NULL

array_keys O(n)

array_values O(n)

array_reverse O(n)

array_pad O(pad_size)

array_flip O(n)

array_sum O(n)

array_product O(n)

array_reduce O(n)

array_filter O(n)

array_map O(n)

array_chunk O(n)

array_combine O(n)

I'd like to thank Eureqa for making it easy to find the Big-O of the functions. It's an amazing free program that can find the best fitting function for arbitrary data.


For those who doubt that PHP array lookups are O(N), I've written a benchmark to test that (they are still effectively O(1) for most realistic values).

php array lookup graph

$tests = 1000000;
$max = 5000001;

for( $i = 1; $i <= $max; $i += 10000 ) {
//create lookup array
$array = array_fill( 0, $i, NULL );

//build test indexes
$test_indexes = array();
for( $j = 0; $j < $tests; $j++ ) {
$test_indexes[] = rand( 0, $i-1 );

//benchmark array lookups
$start = microtime( TRUE );
foreach( $test_indexes as $test_index ) {
$value = $array[ $test_index ];
unset( $value );
$stop = microtime( TRUE );
unset( $array, $test_indexes, $test_index );

printf( "%d,%1.15f\n", $i, $stop - $start ); //time per 1mil lookups
unset( $stop, $start );

Big O of two functions

Here is how I would write that function in a more straightforward approach: The inner for loop is the perfect scenario for a do ... while loop.

function foo( $j)
$ids = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $j; $i++)
$id = gen_id();
} while( isset( $ids[$id]));
$ids[$id] = true;
return $ids;

Edit: Actually, this function is O($j) / O(n), since gen_id() and isset() are both constant O(1) (isset() is a hash table lookup). So, the inner efficiency of the for loop is constant time O(1), making the whole function O(n).

Big-O of PHP arrays

You're correct in saying that Kendall Hopkins's statement is confusing / incorrect (though the rest of his post is a pretty awesome benchmarking reference).

Saying that an algorithm is O(1) for small inputs is a rather nonsensical statement. Saying an algorithm is O(1) means that the running time will always be less than a constant. Therefore, if we constrict our input space to a finite set (i.e. 'small' inputs) then any algorithm will be O(1), because we can just take the longest running time from that set as our constant.

What he means, is that, for an initial range of inputs, increasing the size of the array will make little difference to the running-time of the array.

If you want to learn more about big-O notation, then the [ wikipedia page] is a great jumping off point.

What's the Big O run time of the two following solutions

Question 1

In the solution two you have

  1. Sort
  2. Sort
  3. Single loop

The complexity of the loop is O(n), so we have to look at the sort. According to PHP, it uses Quicksort, so the complexity is O(n log n)

Note: Like most PHP sorting functions, sort() uses an implementation of » Quicksort.

Therefore, we have O(n log n) + O(n log n) + O(n). We take the bigger which is O(n log n).

Question 2

In that case you could remove the sort calls, and it would be O(n). If you keep them, it will continue being O(n log n).

Question 3

Yes, the complexity is O(n) + O(n), so the final complexity is O(n) as you said.

What would the Big O notation be for alphabetically sorting each element in a nested list comprehension

For the sake of analysis, let's replace the comprehensions with their equivalent loops as described in the docs.

Your first approach becomes

substr = []
for i in range(len(s)): # O(n)
for j in range(i + 1, len(s) + 1): # O(n)
substr.append("".join(sorted(s[i: j]))) # O(n*logn)

# Overall O(n^3 * logn)

Note that substr.append("".join(sorted(s[i: j]))) is not multiplicative, rather it is a sequential combination of the following operations (no actual assignments happen)

temp = s[i:j] # O(j-i), which worst case we can take O(n)
sorted_temp = sorted(temp) # O(n*logn)
joined_temp = "".join(sorted_temp) # O(n)
substr.append(joined_temp) # amortized O(1)

# Overall O(n*logn)

Now in the second approach the code becomes

substr = []
for i in range(len(s)): # O(n)
for j in range(i + 1, len(s) + 1): # O(n)
substr.append(s[i:j]) # O(n) for the slice
# first loop: O(n^3)

sortedSubstr = []
for s in substr: # O(n^2), we have appended n^2 times in the first loop
sortedSubstr.append("".join(sorted(s))) # O(n*logn)
# second loop: O(n^3 * logn)

# Overall O(n^3 * logn)

So as you can see, they should be the same time complexity. I almost missed substr length being n^2 rather than n, so that might be a pitfall.

References for time complexity of various operations:

  1. Time complexity of string slice
  2. Why is the time complexity of python's list.append() method O(1)?

Big-O notation name for O(n^c), where c >= 4

Generally, any n^c for integer c is called a polynomial time complexity. It matches with the polynomial class of problem as well and is denoted by P. Here is the time complexity class.

calculate time complexity for this solution

Ok, now I see what you are doing! Yes, you are right, it's O(n²), because you're always looping through every element of data. Your data will decrease by one every loop, but because with O complexity we don't care about constants, we can say it's O(n) for each loop. Multiplying (because one is inside the other) we have O(n²).

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