Laravel Eloquent Sum of Multiplied Columns

Laravel Eloquent sum of multiplied columns

Try use this

$amount = Transaction::select(DB::raw('sum(jumlah * harga) as total'))->get();

How to get Total Sum of one column after multipling with other column values

You can either multiply and sum the values using an SQL query (documentation):

$total = DB::table('stock')->selectRaw('purchase * stock AS total')->sum('total');

Or you can use a reducer on your collection (documentation):

$total = Stock::all()->reduce(function ($total, $item) {
return $total + ($item->purchase * $item->stock);

Laravel 5.7 - multiply two columns and add to final sum

With your edit I was able to solve the problem that you have, but in your edit you use couple of things for which I don't have data, such as the $team, first_name and last_name of the students. But anyway, here is a solution for your problem, you have to use subqueries in order to solve this:

$teamStudents = DB::table('students')->orderBy('name', 'ASC')
->leftJoin(DB::raw('(select SUM( * products.quantity) AS products_total, student_id from products group by student_id) products'), '', '=', 'products.student_id')
->leftJoin(DB::raw('(select sum( as payments_total, student_id from payments group by student_id) payments'), '', '=',
->select('', 'payments.payments_total', 'products.products_total', ' AS id')

I am not sure if technically I will be correct, but the problem is because you use multiple joins, so that's why the results are doubled, if you don't use subqueries.

Laravel 5 Eloquent sum of multiplied columns for mongo DB

I believe aggregation operators like sum expect exact column name as a parameter. You can try to project the multiplication first, then sum the result:

->where('ContactID', (int)$customer->ContactID)
'ContactID' => 1,
'TotalInBaseCurrency' => ['$multiply' => ['$Total', '$CurrencyRate']]

or use aggregation directly:

->raw(function($collection) use ($customer){
return $collection->aggregate([
['$match' => [
'ContactID' => (int)$customer->ContactID,
'Type' => 'PAYMENT'
['$group' => [
'_id' => '$ContactID',
'TotalInBaseCurrency' => [
'$sum' => ['$multiply' => ['$Total', '$CurrencyRate']]

How to multiply and group using laravel eloquent with relation

This can be solved by a join with SUM(), something like below (untested):

Budget::leftJoin('items', 'budgets.item_code', '=', 'items.item_code')
->addselect(\DB::raw('SUM(qty * price) as total'))
->groupBy('subgroup', 'delivery_plan')

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