Laravel Eloquent Sort by Relationship

Perform order by relationship field in Eloquent

This will sort the subquery. Not the "first query (the product query)".

Basically, your subquery will be:
select * from variants where product_id in (....) order by price, and that is not what you want, right?

// ...

$order = $request->sort;

$products = Product::whereHas('variants')->with(['reviews', 'variants' => function($query) use ($order) {
if ($order == 'price') {

If you want to sort product +/or variant you need to use join.

$query = Product::select([
])->join('variants', '', '=', 'variants.product_id');

if ($order == 'new') {
$query->orderBy('products.created_at', 'DESC');
} else if ($order == 'price') {

return $query->paginate(20);

How can i sort an laravel eloquent query by one-to-many relation

I solved this problem:

First off all add a hasOne relation to Product model:

public function latestInventory()
return $this->hasOne(Inventory::class);

Then in ProductController:

$products = Product::with(['latestInventory' => function($query) {
$query->where('count', '>', 0)->orderBy('id');
$products = $products->get();
$products = $products->sortBy('latestInventory.price')->paginate(16);

return $products->values()->toArray();

For Paginate the collection :

In ASP (AppServiceProvider.php) on boot method:

Collection::macro('paginate', function($perPage, $total = null, $page = null, $pageName = 'page') {
$page = $page ?: LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage($pageName);
return new LengthAwarePaginator(
$this->forPage($page, $perPage),
$total ?: $this->count(),
'path' => LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPath(),
'pageName' => $pageName,

In app/Support/Collection.php:


namespace App\Support;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection as BaseCollection;
class Collection extends BaseCollection
public function paginate($perPage, $total = null, $page = null, $pageName = 'page')
$page = $page ?: LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage($pageName);

return new LengthAwarePaginator(
$this->forPage($page, $perPage),
$total ?: $this->count(),
'path' => LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPath(),
'pageName' => $pageName,

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