Laravel - Eloquent or Fluent Random Row

Laravel - Eloquent or Fluent random row

Laravel >= 5.2:


or to get the specific number of records

// 5 indicates the number of records
// get one random record

or using the random method for collections:

User::all()->random(10); // The amount of items you wish to receive

Laravel 4.2.7 - 5.1:


Laravel 4.0 - 4.2.6:


Laravel 3:


Check this article on MySQL random rows. Laravel 5.2 supports this, for older version, there is no better solution then using RAW Queries.

edit 1: As mentioned by Double Gras, orderBy() doesn't allow anything else then ASC or DESC since this change. I updated my answer accordingly.

edit 2: Laravel 5.2 finally implements a wrapper function for this. It's called inRandomOrder().

how get random row laravel-5

Update for Laravel 5.4

New randomsorting in Laravel 5.4

Laravel how to get data random row use Postgres SQL?

Eloquent has inRandomOrder() method.

$recomment_product = Product::where('name', $product->name)
->where('gender', $product->gender)
->where('client_target', $product->client_target)

Laravel 5 - how to get a random row from first 30 records in eloquent?

Use get() before count() to run the query before count:

$cnt = Record::popular($d)->get()->count();

Laravel eloquent random query

You should have been using orderByRaw.

But there is a better solution, you can add this macro:

use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;

Builder::macro('orderByRandom', function () {

$randomFunctions = [
'mysql' => 'RAND()',
'pgsql' => 'RANDOM()',
'sqlite' => 'RANDOM()',
'sqlsrv' => 'NEWID()',

$driver = $this->getConnection()->getDriverName();

return $this->orderByRaw($randomFunctions[$driver]);

So you can do: $query->orderByRandom()->take($limit)->get();

Laravel 5.4 Eloquent get x random records from collection where property is null

Why not just add your conditions to a sql-query:

$regions = Region::with('neighbors')
->join('cards', '', '=', 'regions.risk_card_id')

If you already have a collection then you can do something like:

$regions = $regions
->filter(function ($value) {
return !is_null($value['user_id']);

How to get random row from the last 5 row?

The Builder class doesn't have a random() method, but a Collection does. Also, oldest() doesn't take an integer as it's argument, it's looking for a column to use (uses created_at as a default).

Use the following query instead:

$posts = Post::inRandomOrder()->limit(5)->get();

Note: Don't use ->first() if you want multiple rows; ->first() returns the first row from the database, ->get() returns rows in a Collection.

Edit: Misread the question. See the query below:

$randomPost = Post::oldest()->limit(5)->get()->random();

Use the initial Post::oldest()->limit(5)->get() to get 5 Posts ordered by created_at, then use Collection logic to return a single entry via random().

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