Laravel 5.6 Class App\Http\Controllers\Postcontroller Does Not Exist

Class App\Http\Controllers\PostController does not exist

If composer dumpautoload is not helping then check if you have proper namespace declaration in PostController.php and double check for typos in class name/route declaration.

If this fails check composer.json for autoload configuration, it should have something like this:

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"

As a side note you could use something like this:

Route::get('blog',PostController::class . '@index');


Route::get('blog',\App\Http\Controllers\PostController::class . '@index');

With this any decent IDE should give some kind of a warning if it can't find the file/there's a typo


Your file should have a line like this

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

At the beggining of the file, right after <?php or <?php declare(strict_types = 1); if you're using php7 strict mode

Getting Class App\Http\Controllers\PostController does not exist error in Laravel project

You have an invisible character:

$post->tags()->sync($request->tags, false);<feff>

If your editor has a way to view non-printable characters, that might show characters like this.

ReflectionException in Route.php line 280. Class App\Http\Controllers\PostController does not exists

Running "composer dump-autoload -o" solved this issue.

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\App\Article' not found Laravel 5.6

To fix your issue, change:


namespace App;
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use app\Article;

In your controller to:


namespace App\Http\Controllers; // <- removing duplicate namespace

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Article; // <- Case sensitive, use App\, not app\

Other than that, I would really encourage you to read the documentation of Laravel, because this code is not really using Laravel.

You do not have to use session_start() as in Laravel you have Session.

You do not have to work with superglobals as $_POST, because you can use Laravel's Request objects.

You should not handle request data in your models, that's what your controller and/or services are for, this layer (request data) should not 'bleed' into your models like this.

You are using PDO statements, and totally bypass Laravel's Eloquent ORM.

I also see a lot of conditional requires, something that you should not do if you were using Laravel's service container.

With all of this, you are practically skipping every bit of functionality of Laravel and you are basically using the entire framework just for routing.

Class App/Http/Controllers/View Not Found error

The problem is not the actual view but the class View. You see when you just reference a class like View::make('tickets.bus.index') PHP searches for the class in your current namespace.

In this case that's App\Http\Controllers. However the View class obviously doesn't exists in your namespace for controllers but rather in the Laravel framework namespace. It has also an alias that's in the global namespace.

You can either reference the alias in the root namespace by prepending a backslash:

return \View::make('tickets.bus.index');

Or add an import statement at the top:

use View;

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