How Would I Skip Optional Arguments in a Function Call

How to skip arguments when their default is desired

PHP can't do this, unfortunately. You could work around this by checking for null. For example:

function abc($a, $b, $c = 'foo', $d = 'bar') {
if ($c === null)
$c = 'foo';
// Do something...

Then you'd call the function like this:

abc('a', 'b', null, 'd');

No, it's not exactly pretty, but it does the job. If you're feeling really adventurous, you could pass in an associative array instead of the last two arguments, but I think that's way more work than you want it to be.

Skipping optional function parameters in JavaScript

Solution:, undefined, undefined, undefined, {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'})

You should use undefined instead of optional parameter you want to skip, because this 100% simulates the default value for optional parameters in JavaScript.

Small example:


//is equivalent to

myfunc(param, undefined, undefined, undefined);

Strong recommendation: use JSON if you have a lot of parameters, and you can have optional parameters in the middle of the parameters list. Look how this is done in jQuery.

How to skip the parameters of a function in python?

You can setup default values for the parameters. I don't know what works for you, so I just set them to None.

def send_mail(audit_df=None, log_file=None, duration=None):
do all the things

when calling


For a little light reading see the Function definitions section of the docs.

How to skip certain optional arguments in a library function

Those are nullable parameters, not optional. If you want to skip some of them, pass null as value.

client.ListSMSMessages("to", null, date, null, null);

For more details:

  • Nullable types in C#.
  • Named and optional args in C#.

If you want optional args, then create your own function over the one in the lib (building on Robert's answer:) ):

public SmsMessageResult MyListSmsMessages(
string to = null, string from = null, DateTime? dateSent = null, int? pageNumber = null, int? count = null)
return client.ListSMSMessages(to, from, date, pageNumber, count);

Omit/Skip a parameter with default value while calling a function in JS

You cant ommit a parameter and call it by its name.
Omitting in js would mean to pass undefined so if your post was a 3 argument function you would do

post('http://whatever', undefined,'somebody')

So that the second param takes the default value

However what you can do is take an object as the parameter, destructure and assign default values:

function post({url,params={},body={}}){

Then to call the function you would do post({url:'http://whatever',body:'somebody'});

How to skip providing default arguments in a Python method

There are two ways to do it. The first, most straightforward, is to pass a named argument:

boto.emr.step.StreamingStep(name='a name', mapper='mapper name', combiner='combiner name')

(Note, because name and mapper were in order, specifying the argument name wasn't required)

Additionally, you can pass a dictionary with ** argument unpacking:

kwargs = {'name': 'a name', 'mapper': 'mapper name', 'combiner': 'combiner name'}

python function optional arguments and skip or not them

You are using variable named argument provision, not optional argument. However, what you want can be achieved in both ways:

Optional argument:

def Sort(data, PAR=None):
if PAR is None:
return sorted(data)
return sorted(data, reverse=PAR)

Variable keyword arguments:

def Sort2(data, **PAR):
if not PAR:
return sorted(data)
return sorted(data, **PAR)


>>> Sort([1,5,3])
[1, 3, 5]

>>> Sort([1,5,3], True)
[5, 3, 1]

>>> Sort2([1,5,3])
[1, 3, 5]

>>> Sort2([1,5,3], **{'reverse':True})
[5, 3, 1]

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