How to Store Values from Foreach Loop into an Array

How to store values from foreach loop into an array?

Declare the $items array outside the loop and use $items[] to add items to the array:

$items = array();
foreach($group_membership as $username) {
$items[] = $username;


How to make array inside in foreach loop - php?

I suppose you're looking for this:

$input = array("teamA","teamB","teamC");
$data = [];
foreach($input as $value){
$assign = "50"; /* The data just temp */
$data[$value] = $assign;

echo $data["teamA"];

If $assign is same for all keys:

$data = array_fill_keys($input, 50);

Powershell - Store Multiple Results from Foreach loop into an Array

I suppose you can do:

$result = foreach($i in 1..10) { 
[pscustomobject]@{result1 = $true
result2 = $true

result1 result2
------- -------
True True
True True
True True
True True
True True
True True
True True
True True
True True
True True

Storing values obtained from for each loop Scala

Use map instead of foreach OrderRef) => {x.ref}))

Also val references = x.ref doesn't return anything. It create new local variable and assign value to it.

Add values to an array inside a foreach loop

Foreach will not loop through new values added to the array while inside the loop.

If you want to add the new value between two existing values, you could use a second array:

$values = array(
'foo' => 10,
'bar' => 20,
'baz' => 30
$newValues = array();
foreach($values as $key => $value)
$newValues[$key] = $value;
if($key == 'bar')
$newValues['qux'] = 21;
print implode(' ', $newValue);

Also, see one of my favorite questions on StackOverflow discussing the foreach loop: How does PHP 'foreach' actually work?

Is there a way to assign values into an Array with forEach?

Short answer: no, there is no way.

Longer answer: With a for-each loop you lose the index information, i.e. within the loop you don't know if you are dealing with thefirst, the second or the hundredth element. You need the index to address the position to write to in the array. So with using only the for-each there is no way.

Mind: In your example the first loop just overwrites the array's elements with their indexes. You'll get arr = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }.
The second loop only works, because it iterates over an arrays whose elements are their own indexes by chance–as you defined it that way before.

If your array for example was `arr = { 42, 101, -73, 0, 5 }' the first iteration would try to access the 43nd element of an array with only five elements, thus causing an exception.

You could create and increment your own index counter, but that's actually what the conventional for-loop does in a very convenient way.

conventional for loop:

for (int index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) {
var element = array[index];

for-each loop:

for (int element : arr) {
// the current index is unknown here

C# How to store string values in a list outputted from a loop

Each time you read a value inside Obj you print the whole new List FriendsList and that's not what you are expecting...

Capturing datas in this way is correct but not the way you wanna print them, you can simply capture them and print friend object values.

var FriendsList = new List<string>();
foreach (var friend in Obj.users)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", friend, friend.user);

Otherwise you can use this function after the foreach loop

var FriendsList = new List<string>();
foreach (var friend in Obj.users)


Store foreach loop values in a variable in PHP

Add the values to an array. Then use implode() to concatenate them into a string with , separators.

$tracking_array = [];
foreach( $orders as $order ){
$tracking_array[] = get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), '_tracking_box', true );
$tracking_box = implode(', ', $tracking_array);

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