How to Send Money to Paypal Using PHP

Can I send money with Paypal API to other paypal account? If yes how?

Adaptive payments will be depreciated soon.

Check Paypal Payouts api. You can send money to 1 or more paypal users.


Payout workflow

Perform a PayPal payment automatically using PHP

I'm going to answer my own question:

It's possible to make a PayPal payment using PHP only, it's called Implicit approval payments

Implicit approval payments are payments where the sender and the API caller are using the same account. Because PayPal draws the funds for the payment from your own account, there is no approval necessary, and as such there is no visible flow for implicit approval payments.

I tried using the Pay API and the payment is made within the PHP script, no need for a web flow or any other manual approvement.

The Pay API requires an extra field, called senderEmail, set this field to the PayPal email user account

Send money using Paypal php rest SDK

It is normal in REST/Classic API that the receiver will incur the transaction fee.
The model you are looking at is "Adaptive Payments" where you could decide who wants to pay the fee.


Basically in Adaptive Payments, if you would wish that the person who sends money should pay the fee , you can do so in Adaptive Payments.For instance, you can use a variable called feesPayer = SENDER in Pay API operation.

P.S You will need to create a app at to make use of Adaptive Payments Feature in PayPal.

Transfer funds from one personal account to another directly with PayPal API in PHP

DATA====>{"intent":"CAPTURE","purchase_units":[{"amount":{"currency_code":"USD","value":"50"},"payee":{"email":""}}],"application_context":{"user_action":"PAY_NOW","shipping_preference":"NO_SHIPPING","return_url":"","cancel_url":""}} : Here is $data

Your request data is specifying email rather than email_address, so this is unrecognized and ignored.

Check your encodeData function to see why this is happening.

How to transfer money from one PayPal account to another PayPal account?

If you would like to transfer money between two paypal accounts without approval, then you will need to use Implicit Approval in Adaptive Payments.

Implicit approval payments, in which your application is both the sender of a payment and the caller of the Adaptive Payments Pay API. In this case, PayPal makes the payment from your own account, which eliminates the need for approval.Try here

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