How to Send Data Using Redirect With Laravel

How to send data using redirect with Laravel

In store()

return Redirect::route(', $id')->with( ['data' => $data] );

and in show() read it with


Laravel- redirect with variable and display it in the view file

You should try this:

public function store(Request $request)
{if ($request->input('asc')){
$image = PropertyUser::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();
foreach($image as $property)
$id = $property->property_id;
$image_ = Image::where('property_id', $id)->sortBy('description')->get();
return view('yourfolder.yourviewfile',compact('image_'));

Updated Answer

use Redirect;

public function store(Request $request)
{if ($request->input('asc')){
$image = PropertyUser::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();
foreach($image as $property)
$id = $property->property_id;
$image_ = Image::where('property_id', $id)->sortBy('description')->get();

Redirect::to('settings/photos?image_='. $image_);

How to send data to the view using redirect with Laravel without using Session?

There's no other way, you really need to use Session::get. However, we can do a workaround it, but it's messy.

// some controller function
return redirect('home')->with(['data' => $value]);

Now in your home controller function, do this:

$data = [];

// if you need to pass other data to view, put it in data[]
// e.g., $data['username'] = Auth::user()->username;

if (Session::has('data')) {
$data['data'] = Session::get('data');

return view('myView', compact($data));

There, in your view you can just check if data is set.

<!-- myView.blade.php -->
<span>{{ isset($data) ? $data : '' }}</span>

For me, it's merely the same as accessing the Session from the view, because if you did, this is what your view will look like.

<!-- myView.blade.php -->
<span>{{ Session::has('data') ? Session::get('data') : '' }}</span>

You can also use session() global helper instead of the Session facade.

laravel 8 passing data to redirect url

i found the solution:


Route::get('invoicelink/{invoice}', [OrderController::class, 'invoicelink'])->name('invoicelink');


public function invoicelink($invoice)
return $invoice;

then use redirect:

return redirect()->route('invoicelink', [$invoice]);

Laravel route redirecting with data

Following up on the comment

You can create a Route in routes/web.php file that catches non-digit ids and redirect this to 'view-user' with id=1

It would look something like this

Route::get('/group/{uuid}/user/{id}', function ($uuid, $id) {
return redirect('view-user', ['uuid' => $uuid, 'id' => 1]);
})->where('id', '[^0-9]+');

// and then below have your normal route

Route::get('/group/{uuid}/user/{id}', 'Controller@preview')->name('view-user')->where('id', '[0-9]+');


Following you comment that you do not want to use closures.

Change the "bad input route" to

Route::get('/group/{uuid}/user/{id}', 'Controller@redirectBadInput')->where('id', '[^0-9]+');

and then add the method in class Controller:

public function redirectBadInput ($uuid, $id) {
return redirect('view-user', ['uuid' => $uuid, 'id' => 1]);

You can see more in this SO thread about redirects and caching.

Redirect with compact value in laravel

Try this

return redirect()->route('Merchant view')->with( ['merchant' => $merchant] );

In blade file :

<?php $merchants = Session::get('merchant'); ?>
@foreach ($merchants as $merchant)
//your code

Hope it helps you !

Redirect from controller to named route with data in laravel

 public function match(Request $request)
// Operations

$list = //Data Collection;

return redirect()->route('form.matches')->with('list',$list);

In view

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