How to Install and Use PHP on Macos Via Brew

Installing PHP using Homebrew on MAC


In February 2018, the php72 formula (the current version of PHP at that time) has been moved into the core Homebrew tap and renamed as php.

The homebrew/php tap has been deprecated in January 2018 and then archived on March 31, 2018. The formulas it contained are not available any more.

Since February 2018, installing PHP using Homebrew is as easy as:

$ brew install php

The older PHP versions that are still maintained can be installed using the new @ convention for versions (PHP 7.1 is php@7.1).

The original answer (not usable any more)

The PHP ecosystem lives in the homebrew/php tap. You can find there six versions of the interpreter (from 5.3 to 7.1), extensions for them and some PHP-related tools.

In order to install PHP you have to install the homebrew/php tap first (this is needed only once):

$ brew tap homebrew/php
$ brew install php70

Or you can do both operations in a single step by running:

$ brew install homebrew/php/php70

You could discover all these by searching php first:

$ brew search php

How to install PHP 7.2 on macOS Big Sur using Homebrew?

Since PHP 7.2 is not supported anymore, it's got delisted from the Hombrew core repository.

You've to find a third-party repository that still contains an older PHP version, such as the shivammathur/php repository.

You need to tap the repository like this in your Homebrew:

brew tap shivammathur/php

Then you can install PHP 7.2 like this:

brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.2

You can find more information around the above tap and available versions on its GitHub repository.

Can't install PHP using Homebrew on macOS

Posting the answer from in case it gets deleted/removed.

Your core tap is missing. Do:

rm -rf $(brew --repo homebrew/core)
brew tap homebrew/core
brew update

All due credits to the original poster. :)

How to use the php that brew installed?

You have to make your Apache use the PHP that you just downloaded.

  • Open your httpd.conf (mine is at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf) and look for the line that loads the PHP module, something like:

    LoadModule php5_module path/to/php

  • Then, make it point to the PHP that brew installed for you with mcrypt support. Mine was at this path. Yours can vary depending on the PHP version that you installed.


  • Finally you will need to restart your Apache server to load the new configuration:

    sudo apachectl restart

Update PHP to 7.4 macOS Catalina with brew


brew update
brew upgrade php
php -v
brew services start php


brew services restart php

if you use apache server:

sudo apachectl restart

if you use ngnix

sudo nginx -s reload


brew unlink php@7.3
brew link php@7.4

Homebrew: How install disabled package(php7.1)?

Start by making sure brew is up-to-date:

brew update

Normal upgrade

brew upgrade PHP

Normal upgrade does not work in many macOS old Versions.

Upgrade with shivammathur/homebrew-php

brew tap shivammathur/php
brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.1

To switch between versions, use the following command:

brew link --overwrite --force php@7.1

Next steps

Check the current version by running php -v:

If you can then, Restart Nginx or Apache also:

refer Link

Brew on MacOs for PhP version

Homebrew is normally installed in /usr/local (or if you're using an M1 Mac, /opt/homebrew).

Try running /usr/local/bin/brew or /opt/homebrew/bin/brew. If neither of those work, there was most likely a failure during the installation of Homebrew. What was the output you got when you ran the install command?

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