How to Convert an Object to an Array

How to convert an Object {} to an Array [] of key-value pairs in JavaScript

You can use Object.keys() and map() to do this

var obj = {"1":5,"2":7,"3":0,"4":0,"5":0,"6":0,"7":0,"8":0,"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0}
var result = Object.keys(obj).map((key) => [Number(key), obj[key]]);


Javascript - Convert object to array object

forEach is method for array, meanwhile your oldObj is object

First you have to transform it to array, here we could do is transforming object to array of key-values pairs

And using with map could make code shorter

const oldObj = {
Georgia: {
notes: "lorem ipsum",
lat: "32.1656",
long: "82.9001",
Alabama: {
notes: "lorem ipsum",
lat: "32.3182",
long: "86.9023",

const res = Object.entries(oldObj).map(([name, obj]) => ({ name, ...obj }))


Convert object to an array of objects?

You can use .map() with Object.keys():

let data = {    "1": "Technology",    "2": "Startup",    "3": "IT",};
let result = Object.keys(data) .map(key => ({id: Number(key), name: data[key]}));

How to convert object A to an array of objects with object A's properties and assign value and label to them

Using Object.entries() and map()

const obj = {"id":12432,"application":"pashmodin","unit":null,"status":"gholam","issueDate":"1999-06-24T00:00:00","description":"hasan"}

const res = Object.entries(obj).map(([label, value]) => ({label, value}))


best way to convert object with arrays to array with objects and viceversa

You could use two function for generating an array or an object. They works with

  • Object.keys for getting all own property names,

  • Array#reduce for iterating an array and collecting items for return,

  • Array#forEach just fo itarating an array.

function getArray(object) {    return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (r, k) {        object[k].forEach(function (a, i) {            r[i] = r[i] || {};            r[i][k] = a;        });        return r;    }, []);}
function getObject(array) { return array.reduce(function (r, o, i) { Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) { r[k] = r[k] || []; r[k][i] = o[k]; }); return r; }, {});}
var data = { category: ['a', 'b', 'c'], title: ['e', 'f', 'g'], code: ['z', 'x', 'v'] };
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Typescript Convert Object to Array - because *ngFor does not supports iteration of object

You can use Object.keys(obj) to get named indexes. This will return an array structure which you can use/customize further. A sample use to iterate over object values may look like this

var persons = { 
john: { age: 23, year:2010},
jack: { age: 22, year:2011},
jenny: { age: 21, year:2012}

Getting an iterator

var resultArray = Object.keys(persons).map(function(personNamedIndex){
let person = persons[personNamedIndex];
// do something with person
return person;

// you have resultArray having iterated objects

How to convert an object to an array in axios

try to use usually, there are 2 levels of data

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