Get Numbers from String with PHP

Extract a single (unsigned) integer from a string

$str = 'In My Cart : 11 12 items';
preg_match_all('!\d+!', $str, $matches);

How Do I Take Out Only Numbers From A PHP String?

Correct variant will be:

$string = "Hello! 123 How Are You? 456";
$int = intval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $string), 10);

How to get only the number from a string?


You can use filter_var and sanitize the string to only include integers.

$s = "Lesson 001: Complete";
echo filter_var($s, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);


You can use a regular expression to match only integers.

$s = "Lesson 001: Complete";
preg_match("/([0-9]+)/", $s, $matches);
echo $matches[1];

Get numbers from string with PHP

You can use regular expressions for this. The \d escape sequence will match all digits in the subject string.

For example:


function get_numerics ($str) {
preg_match_all('/\d+/', $str, $matches);
return $matches[0];

$one = 'foo bar 4 baz (5 qux quux)';
$two = 'bar baz 2 bar';
$three = 'qux bar 12 quux (3 foo)';
$four = 'foo baz 3 bar (13 quux foo)';


Extract numbers from a string in PHP with Regex

Try this:

$only_digits = preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $string);

Upper \D - the opposite of \d - matches non-digits.

Demo (regex101)

How to extract integer and decimal numbers in PHP string correctly?

You're using a . for thousands and a , for decimals, and it looks like your text is intended for humans so there will always be a number immediately before a . and ,.

So what you want is 1 or more numbers, followed by 0 or more thousand-groups (a . followed by 3 more numbers), optionally followed by exactly one , and one or more numbers.

One or more numbers: [0-9]+
0 or more thousand-groups: (\.[0-9]{3})*
Optionally a `,` and one or more numbers: (,[0-9]+)?

Combined: [0-9]+(\.[0-9]{3})*(,[0-9]+)?

$string = 'María vive en un pueblo de 25 957 habitantes y cobra 1859 euros al mes. OJO: no sé si os habéis fijado, pero los números del último ejemplo 
no llevan un punto o una coma separando los millares (25.957 o 1.859). Sé que resulta extraño, pero la nueva normativa de la R.A.E.
dice que los números de cuatro cifras NO llevarán separación (1859) y los números de cinco cifras o más NO llevarán ni puntos ni comas,
sino una separación (25 957 o 1 343 392). El 94% de los niños ha traído los deberes hechos. He pagado $50,95 dólares.';

$matches = [];
preg_match_all('/[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{3})*(,[0-9]+)?/', $string, $matches);


[0] => 25
[1] => 957
[2] => 1859
[3] => 25.957
[4] => 1.859
[5] => 1859
[6] => 25
[7] => 957
[8] => 1
[9] => 343
[10] => 392
[11] => 94
[12] => 50,95

Extract numbers (not digits) from a string in PHP


You can use lookaheads for this.See demo.

$re = "/(?:^|(?<=\\s))\\d+(?=\\s|$)/si";
$str = "34681A Lincoln Street Surf City NJ 08008";

preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);

or thru replace


See here

$re = "/(?:^|(?<=[,.\\s]))\\d+(?=[,.\\s]|$)\\K|./i";
$str = "James 3, Aptt.27, 34681/A Lincoln St Surf City NJ 08008";
$subst = "";

$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);

Get numbers that immediately follow @ symbol in string

(Using a preg_match_all function as an example, but the function doesn't matter, the Regex within does:)

  $inputString = "@3115
Hello this is a test post.
Test quote";
//$output[1] = "3115";
//$output[2] = "115";

This will find a @ character, and then find \d which is any numerical value, and then + means to catch [the numerical value] one or more times. the () makes this a capture group so will only return the number found and not the @ preceeding it.

Extract number from html string

You can use strip_tags

$a = '<td>15</td>';
echo strip_tags($a);

Find the position of the first occuring of any number bigger than certain number in a string

function firstNumPos($text, $number){
preg_match_all('!\d+!', $text, $match);
foreach ($match[0] as $value) {
if ($value > $number) {
return strpos($text, $value);

echo firstNumPos('20 plus 1000 is not 20000.', 10000);

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