Find Windows 32 or 64 Bit Using PHP

Find Windows 32 or 64 bit using PHP

switch(PHP_INT_SIZE) {
case 4:
echo '32-bit version of PHP';
case 8:
echo '64-bit version of PHP';

This code snippet will at-least tell you if a 32/64 bit version of PHP is running.

How can I determine whether my OS is 32 or 64 bit?

My best guess is that even though your OS is 64bit, your Webserver is x86 and runs in WOW64-mode (32bit). If that's the case, it should be hard to figure out in pure PHP.

My suggestion (thanks to Leigh for linking to a similar question) is to use WMI:

$out = array();
exec("wmic cpu get DataWidth", $out);
$bits = strstr(implode("", $out), "64") ? 64 : 32;
echo $bits; // 32 or 64

Can PHP tell if the server os is 64-bit?

Note: This solution is a bit less convenient and slower than @Salman A's answer. I would advice you to use his solution and check for PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 to see if you're on a 64bit os.

If you just want to answer the 32bit/64bit question, a sneaky little function like this would do the trick (taking advantage of the intval function's way of handling ints based on 32/64 bit.)

function is_64bit()
$int = "9223372036854775807";
$int = intval($int);
if ($int == 9223372036854775807) {
/* 64bit */
return true;
} elseif ($int == 2147483647) {
/* 32bit */
return false;
} else {
/* error */
return "error";

You can see the code in action here:

Note: If the OS is 64bit but running a 32 bit version of php, the function will return false (32 bit)...

Checking if your code is running on 64-bit PHP

Check the PHP_INT_SIZE constant. It'll vary based on the size of the register (i.e. 32-bit vs 64-bit).

In 32-bit systems PHP_INT_SIZE should be 4, for 64-bit it should be 8.

See for more details.

Windows PHP 64-bit or 32-bit

php-cgi.exe is included as standard in the PHP Binaries. You just need to set up a FastCGI handler mapping in IIS once you've downloaded and unzipped the PHP binaries.

How can I see if my XAMPP is running 32 bit or 64 bit?

If you're running windows, XAMPP is running a 32bit version of php, no matter of the installer's architecture.

UPDATE 10/23/2019
It would appear that since the latest build (Sep 24 2019)
Xampp now serves x64 by default and not x32

You can check your version by running php -v and reading the build date & architecture

Using php 7.3.4 64bit with a 64bit oracle client and php 7.3.4 32bit with a 32bit oracle client on the same server

Problem solved.

Everything was correctly, but the oracle setup forgot the correct windows right for the clientx64 folder.

At the clientx86 the group "authenticated user" (in german: Authentifizierter Benutzer) has full access, while the clientx64 doesnt have this group.

After adding the group and give it full access to the clientx64 folder it works. It isn't necessary to switch the entries in the PATH variable. PHP try to loading the first element and after failing it loads the second element in PATH variable.

So everything works!

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