Dompdf Remote Image Is Not Displaying in Pdf

Dompdf remote image is not displaying in pdf

I had the same problem,
dompdf image not found on live server

I found its solution, you just need to double check the image path,

Considering your live server image path

<img src="">

You just need to change it to,

<img src="public/images/thumb.png">

Note: Make sure that, all settings are same as you have already made.

I hope this will help you.

Image is not shown in PDF file using dompdf

use full directory path with .jpg image

DomPDF: Image not readable or empty

Following helped me like charm, at least localy, and even with

define("DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE", false);

The solution is to change the image SRC to the absolute path on the server, like this:

<img src="/var/www/domain/images/myimage.jpg" />

All of the following worked for me:

<img src="<?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/placeholder.jpg';?>"/>
<img src="<?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'\placeholder.jpg';?>"/>
<img src="<?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'./placeholder.jpg';?>"/>

$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] is C:/wamp/www/ZendSkeletonApplication/public

Thanks to this: lost in code

dompdf : image not found or type unknown

You should be using the full URL instead of a direct path. Especially when it is not a static image: dompdf will open that php script directly, so it won't be executed as if it's a PHP script.

If the full URL doesn't work, you can also show what the result of header.php is. Some good things to keep in mind are to send proper content-type headers and so on.

DOMPDF images not showing on new server

It appears that if your CSS specifies your images as display:block, DOMPDF won't show them sometimes. Have changed my code so that it uses a pdf-specific CSS file without that it.

No idea why it worked on the other server though....

Security Issue on Accessing Remote Image with dompdf

Enabling remote access is mainly a security issue when you're using dompdf.php to render your documents. If you're not using that file you should remove it or make it inaccessible from the web. The dompdf team generally recommends that you not use that file and instead write your own PDF generation script using the dompdf class directly. Once you're using the class directly you can further protect yourself by placing the entire dompdf directory in a location not accessible via the web.

The main concern when enabling remote resource access and when using dompdf.php to render documents is that someone can use dompdf.php to load a document from outside your domain that appears to by something produced and served by your domain. However, there is further concern if you also have PHP parsing enabled (for inline scripting). With PHP parsing enabled the remote document can be further used to compromise your machine via remote code execution (inline script is not limited to PDF interaction).

DOMPDF displaying pictures, but wrong

It appears that this is caused by imagick. It can be disabled as follows:

Add the following line to "":

define("DOMPDF_ENABLE_IMAGICK", false);

And change line 4324 of "class.pdf.php" from:

elseif (extension_loaded("imagick")) {


elseif (extension_loaded("imagick") && DOMPDF_ENABLE_IMAGICK) {

This solution worked for me

I found it here:

Thanks to BrianS

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