Composer Installing: the JSON Extension Is Missing

Can't install composer - the json extension is missing

just install the module:

sudo apt-get install php5-json

EDIT - Reason:

See Heanzo Beanzo Comment:

It has been removed in recent packages due to a license conflict see
bug on

Composer update: The requested PHP extension ext-http missing

in my case i'm using ubuntu, hope this solve the problem.

sudo apt install php-http

Why is my PHP extension used by Symfony invalid after ubuntu update?


"ext-json": "*",

If it's not your library and you cannot change the code, use

composer install -n --ignore-platform-reqs

I cannot install Laravel with Composer (ext-zip extension is missing)

  • Make sure to restart the webserver after the change
  • php -m to list the compiled modules
  • it happened to me once (on plesk) that composer was using a different php version than to use php itself
  • You could try php composer.phar(the location of that) and check the results

If Installing laravel is what matters here

here are some possible solutions

  • composer create-project laravel/laravel [dir]
  • or git clone then cd to that directory, usually laravel, so cd laravel then composer install

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