Allowed Memory Size of X Bytes Exhausted

Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted

PHP's config can be set in multiple places:

  1. master system php.ini (usually in /etc somewhere)
  2. somewhere in Apache's configuration (httpd.conf or a per-site .conf file, via php_value)
  3. CLI & CGI can have a different php.ini (use the command php -i | grep memory_limit to check the CLI conf)
  4. local .htaccess files (also php_value)
  5. in-script (via ini_set())

In PHPinfo's output, the "Master" value is the compiled-in default value, and the "Local" value is what's actually in effect. It can be either unchanged from the default, or overridden in any of the above locations.

Also note that PHP generally has different .ini files for command-line and webserver-based operation. Checking phpinfo() from the command line will report different values than if you'd run it in a web-based script.

Meaning of Fatal error: Allowed memory size of x bytes exhausted (tried to allocate y bytes) ?

  1. It means that the memory used by the PHP script exceeded the value of the memory_limit configuration option. Note this may or may not agree with what the operating system thinks the memory usage of the script is at the time of the error.
  2. x gives you the value of the memory_limit configuration option. You can also assume that the server has at least enough virtual memory to handle the limit, but that's about it.
  3. No, y is just the size of the straw that finally broke the camel's back.

PHP Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted

You can reduce memory usage two other ways without increasing the memory limit...

  1. Consider setting $mpdf->simpleTables = true; if you do not need complex table borders, or $mpdf->packTableData = true; if you do not mind the extra processing time.
  2. packTableData – Use binary packing of table data to reduce memory usage

Both of which will increase processing time in order to save memory usage.

Allowed memory size php.ini

Try print phpinfo and check that these variables are actually updated or not. Also it might be your path issue or code error. Try check the permissions of the folder as well . It always does not seems to be a memory issue . You can check here that it can be you coding style , your query or any other scenario which is causing this issue Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted in Laravel

You can try editing /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini:

; Old Limit
; memory_limit = 512M

; New Limit
memory_limit = 2048M

You may need to restart nginx:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

You may also have an infinite loop somewhere. Can you post the code you're calling?

Symfony 5 cache:clear php.CRITICAL: Fatal error: Allowed memory size

It looks like the bin/console cache:clear command takes up a lot of memory. I don't think it's because of the twig files.

setting up memory_limit=-1 is sort of you are disabling the memory limit, means giving unlimited of memory to run PHP. Please check your php.ini file and adjust the memory_limit.

Note that you might have 2 php.ini files for PHP, one for web and one for command-line use. Use php -i to see the loaded ini file.

Use this command php -i | grep 'Configuration' to grep the output from command line.

PHPExcel Allowed memory size of exhausted

If you cant increase memory limit try another libs

PHP-Export-Data by Eli Dickinson

simple excel


Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) Laravel

This means you need to also update your php.ini memory_limit directive.

Try put in your php.ini :

memory_limit=1024M and restart apache :

sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

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