Ssh Connection to Ubuntu Open Ssh-Server Requires Login on (Physical) Server via Password First

SSH connection to Ubuntu open SSH-server requires login on (physical) server via password first

This has been answered many times and is more suitable for AskUbuntu.

In short, you have encrypted home folder (even with your AuthorizedKeysFile) and therefore the server can't authenticate you. One possibility is to move the authorized keys somewhere else (AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/%u/authorized_keys) and decrypt your home folder upon login or just remove the encryption. Official documentation describes it well.

Password Authentication only denied OpenSS?

You can see from the debug output

debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive

and from the final error message

Permission denied (publickey, keyboard-interactive)

That the server is not accepting password authentication method (otherwise the word password would've been included in the list).

If you have set PasswordAuthentication to yes by yourself then make sure to restart the ssh service in order for the changes to take effect.

Cannot remote connected to digitalocean droplet - not permited password


The problem is that I created an easy password for the server.
When I did create strong password the issue not repeats.

SSH Connection refused wrong port

Specify the ssh port:

ssh -p 30 root@serverIP

Also don't move the port just because you think it's more secure. Rather disallow root login, use keyfiles instead of password an maybe run something like fail2ban if the logentries start to annoy you..

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