Read Lines Between Two Keywords

Reading lines between two strings in text file using python

Just rearrange your if statements. Think about the order in which they flow and when if flag is being evaluated. Also, you can use elif so only one of the three conditions would execute, but make sure the elif flag line is the last condition.

With the way you have your example setup, it will check to see if the line starts with START, and then set the flag. Immediately after that happens, you are checking if the flag was set, so it will print out START. Additionally it will print every line, then check after you've printed the line to see if it should have printed END or not.

With rearranging the order, you will see that if the line starts with START, then there's no command below that will print the line. Similarly, it checks to see if it should stop before printing the END line.

with open('/tmp/test.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip().endswith('END'):
if flag:
if line.startswith('START'):

The elif version is probably the better way to go since it will save you a few checks of if statements, but only one outcome can be executed per iteration. So if a flag is changed, then it will never print out the line.

with open('/tmp/test.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('START'):
elif line.strip().endswith('END'):
elif flag:

Read lines between two keywords

This will work for you:

$ awk '/\*System_Power/{f=1;next}/\*System_Terminate/{f=0}f' infile

Getting strings in between two keywords from a file in python

Try escaping your outermost parentheses pair.

navigated_pages = re.findall(r'EVENT\(X(.*?)\) ',data,re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)

This appears to make it match properly, at least for my little sample input:

>>> s = "EVENT(X_HELLO) ... EVENT(X_HOW_ARE_YOU_DOING_TODAY)... EVENT(this one shouldn't appear because it doesn't start with X)"
>>> re.findall(r"EVENT\(X(.*?)\)", s)

If you want the starting X too, you should nudge the inner parentheses to the left by one. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure the *? will still have the proper precedence.

>>> re.findall(r"EVENT\((X.*?)\)", s)

Print multiple lines between two specific lines (keywords) from a text file

You can set a boolean to know if to print a line or not:

newfile = open('newfile.txt', 'w')

printing = False

with open('drama.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('Characters:'):
printing = True
continue # go to next line
elif line.startswith('First scene'):
printing = False
break # quit file reading

if printing:
print(line, file=newfile)

Python read specific lines of text between two strings

One slight modification which looks like it should cover your problem:

flist = open("filename.txt").readlines()

parsing = False
for line in flist:
if line.startswith("\t**** Report 1"):
parsing = True
elif line.startswith("\t**** Report 2"):
parsing = False
if parsing:
#Do stuff with data

If you want to avoid parsing the line "* Report 1"... itself, simply put the start condition after the if parsing, i.e.

flist = open("filename.txt").readlines()

parsing = False
for line in flist:

if line.startswith("\t**** Report 2"):
parsing = False
if parsing:
#Do stuff with data
if line.startswith("\t**** Report 1"):
parsing = True

Grab text between two lines

If your text file is huge, don't read it into memory. Don't look for indexes either, just process it line by line:

bool writing = false;

using var sw = File.CreateText(@"C:\some\path\to.txt");

foreach(var line in File.ReadLines(...)){ //don't use ReadAllInes, use ReadLines - it's incremental and burns little memory

if(!writing && line.Contains("target1")){
writing = true; //start writing
continue; //don't write this line

break; //exit loop without writing this line

How do I extract two different keywords from two different lines in a file in bash shell?

If there are just two lines in the file, one with type: and another with mount: and they come in a set order, you can use

awk '/type:|mounts:/{gsub(/https?:\/\/|:.*/, "", $2); a = (length(a)==0 ? "" : a " ") $2} END{print a}' file

If a line contains type: or mounts:, the http:// or https:// and all text after : are removed from Field 2, and then the value is either assigned to a or appended with a space to a, and once there is an end of file, the a value is printed.


  • /type:|mounts:/ - find lines containng type: or mounts:
  • gsub(/https?:\/\/|:.*/, "", $2) - removes http://, https:// or : and the rest of the string from Field 2 value
  • a = (length(a)==0 ? "" : a " ") $2 - assign a + space + Field 2 value to a if a is not empty, if it is, just assign Field 2 value to a
  • END{print a} - at the end of the file processing, print a value.

See the online demo:

s='name: linuxVol
id: 6
type: Linux
dir excludes: .snapshot*
inode: 915720
free_space: 35.6TiB (auto)
total_capacity: 95.0TiB (auto)
number_of_files: 5,789,643
number_of_dirs: 520,710
mounts: h''ttps:// /mnt/tube'

awk '/type:|mounts:/{gsub(/https?:\/\/|:.*/, "", $2); a = (length(a)==0 ? "" : a " ") $2} END{print a}' <<< "$s"



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