Iterate Over a List of Files With Spaces

Iterate over a list of files with spaces

You could replace the word-based iteration with a line-based one:

find . -iname "foo*" | while read f
# ... loop body

Loop through Filenames with spaces Bash using variables

Looks to me like the whole loop ought to be mkdir -p "$File_Directory" ...

But assuming he meant to put them all in the same dir:

$: File_Directory=a/b/c/d/e/f/g
$: ( IFS=/; for d in $File_Directory; do mkdir -p "$d"; done; )

That does play a little fast and loose with the parameter parsing though.

for loop through files with spaces in their names

Use the -Z1 option of unzip instead of -l. It outputs one file per line with no additional information. You should read its output instead of loop over it with for to prevent word splitting. You might still have problems with filenames containing a newline (but I wasn't able to zip them, $'a\nb' was stored as a^Jb and extracted as ab).

Also, your if is missing a then.

Also, don't parse the output of ls, you can iterate over the globbed file mask itself.

You don't need to check that grep outputs anything, just run it with -q and check its exit status.

Don't forget to doublequote variables that might contain whitespace or other special characters.

for z in /path/to/archives/*.zip ; do
while IFS= read -r f ; do
if unzip -p "$z" "$f" | grep -q "$string" ; then
unzip "$z" "$f"
done < <(unzip -Z1 "$z" '*.xml')

How to iterate through all files in a directory, ordered by date created, with some filenames have spaces in their names

Use find in combination with xargs to pass file names with NUL-byte separation, and use a while read loop for efficiency and space preservation:

find /path/to/dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -t | while read file
ls "$file" # or whatever you want with $file, which may have spaces
# so always enclose it in double quotes

find generates the list of files, ls arranges them, by time in this case. To reverse the sort order, replace -t with -tr. If you wanted to sort by size, replace -t with -s.


$ touch -d '2015-06-17' 'foo foo'
$ touch -d '2016-02-12' 'bar bar'
$ touch -d '2016-05-01' 'baz baz'
$ ls -1
bar bar
baz baz
foo foo
$ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -t | while read file
> do
> ls -l "$file"
> done
-rw-rw-r-- 1 bishop bishop 0 May 1 00:00 ./baz baz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 bishop bishop 0 Feb 12 00:00 ./bar bar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 bishop bishop 0 Jun 17 2015 ./foo foo

For completeness, I'll highlight a point from comments to the question: -t is sorting by modification time, which not strictly creation time. The file system on which these files reside dictates whether or not creation time is available. Since your initial attempts used -t, I figured modification time was what you were concerned about, even if it's not pedantically true.

If you want creation time, you'll have to pull it from some source, like stat or the file name if its encoded there. This basically means replacing the xargs -0 ls -t with a suitable command piped to sort, something like: xargs -0 stat -c '%W' | sort -n

bash iterate over a directory sorted by file size

You can use a mix of find (to print file sizes and names), sort (to sort the output of find) and cut (to remove the sizes). In case you have very unusual file names containing any possible character including newlines, it is safer to separate the files by a character that cannot be part of a name: NUL.


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Please supply the filename suffixes to delete.";


while IFS= read -r -d '' -u 3 FILE; do
cat "$FILE"
printf '\n\n'
rm -i "$FILE"
done 3< <(find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.$filter" \
-printf '%s\t%p\0' | sort -zn | cut -zf 2-)

Note that we must use a different file descriptor than stdin (3 in this example) to pass the file names to the loop. Else, if we use stdin, it will also be used to provide the answers to rm -i.

Cant loop over files with spaces in the filename, windows batch file and image magick

To handle filenames with spaces, quote them. For example your command

convert %%a -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB -resize %%f %%f\%%a

should change to

convert "%%a" -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB -resize "%%f" "%%f\%%a"

same with the mogrify command:

mogrify -format webp "%%f\%%a"

The quotes doesn't do any harm, when there is no space, so as best practice get used to always qoute path- or file names.

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