How to Read The Password from The Text File in Perl

How to read the password from the text file in perl

You can store password in file with limited permissions, but using ssh keys is still better solution.

my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(
password => get_passw("chmod_600_passw_file"),
more => ['-v']

sub get_passw {
my ($file) = @_;
open my $fh, "<", $file or die $!;

my $pass = <$fh>; # do { local $/; <$fh> };

return $pass;

If you want to store both user/pass in file separated with : you can,

my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(
more => ['-v']

sub get_credentials {
my ($file) = @_;
open my $fh, "<", $file or die $!;

my $line = <$fh>;
my ($user, $pass) = split /:/, $line;

return ($user, password => $pass);

Read password using perl on windows

To read password you can also use Term::ReadLine.

For further details visit Perl Monk.

Reading in key-values from a text file in Perl, skipping comments

You have some solutions, but I thought it would be interesting to explain some of the problems with your existing code.

You say:

Also, the if conditional doesn't work. I still see comments and the description printed.

Let's start by looking at that.

Your conditional is this:

if (my @entrykv = split /:\s*/) {
} else {

You're hoping for that to distinguish between your key/value lines and the lines that contain the description (and, therefore, don't contain a ":"). I think you misunderstand what split() does. In the case where the line contains a ":", split() returns a list with two items. That list gets put into the array, @entrykv, and the if statement evaluates that array in a scalar context which gives the value 2 (as there are two elements in the array). 2 is a true value, so we get into the "true" part of the if/else statement.

In the case where we don't have a ":" in the line, split() will return a list with a single element (containing the whole line). That, again, gets put into @entrykv and the if statement evaluates that in scalar context. That gives the value 1 and 1 is still a true value and we still end up in the "true" part pf the if/else statement.

So you need to do something different here. The best approach is probably to check for the existence of a ":" in the line. Something like this:

if (/:/) {
my @entrykv = split /:\s*/; #/ stupid SO highlighter
print "@entrykv\n";
} elsif (! /^#/) {
print "Not a comment\n";
$desc{$key} .= $_;

Oh, and that's a second point. You used += to add to the end of the description. That's not right. Perl uses . as the concatenation operator - so you need .= here.

And there's one other problem here that goes right to the heart of the design. You have separate hashes for each of the attributes. That's a really bad idea. IF you have a data item with many attributes, you should try to keep all of those attributes together in a single variable. And a hash is a perfect way to store all of those attributes together.

Your read_entry() subroutine reads a single file. And I think that each file just contains a single "key" (e.g. "sample"). So I think it makes sense for that subroutine to return a reference to a hash which contains all of the data from that file. It might look like this:

sub read_entry {
my ($filename) = @_;

my $key = $filename;
$key =~ s/\.txt$//; #/ stupid SO highlighter

# use a) lexical filehandle and b) three-arg version of open()
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!\n";

my %data;
while (<$fh>) {
# Skip comments
next if /^#/;

if (/:/) {
my ($key, $val) = split /:\s*/; #/ stupid SO highlighter
$data{$key} = $val;
} else {
$data{desc} .= $_;

return \%data;

Using CAM::PDF For Perl - Can I Read Text From A (v1.7) Password-Protected PDF File?

I'm the author of CAM::PDF. It's probably an newer PDF feature that CAM::PDF doesn't support. I wrote the encryption support back in PDF 1.2 days and have barely updated it since. So most likely it's not your fault but is a limitation of the library.

Perl: read data file as map

you could use Tie::File::AsHash.

use Tie::File::AsHash;
tie my %map, Tie::File::AsHash::, $path_to_file, split => qr/\s*=\s*/, join => '='
or die "failed to open: $!";
$map{Password} = 'swordfish'; # this actually changes the file!
print 'The password is ', $map{Password}, "\n";

How do I read the contents of a small text file into a scalar in Perl?

From the Perl Cookbook:

my $filename = 'file.txt';
open( FILE, '<', $filename ) or die 'Could not open file: ' . $!;

undef $/;
my $whole_file = <FILE>;

I would localize the changes though:

my $whole_file = '';
local $/;
$whole_file = <FILE>;

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