How to Get My Golang Web Server to Run in the Background

How do I get my Golang web server to run in the background?

Simple / Usable things first

If you want a start script without much effort (i.e. dealing with the process, just having it managed by the system), you could create a systemd service. See Greg's answer for a detailled description on how to do that.
Afterwards you can start the service with

systemctl start myserver

Previously I would have recommended trying xinetd or something similar for finer granuarlity regarding resource and permission management but systemd already covers that.

Using the shell

You could start your process like this:

nohup ./myexecutable &

The & tells the shell to start the command in the background, keeping it in the job list.
On some shells, the job is killed if the parent shell exits using the HANGUP signal.
To prevent this, you can launch your command using the nohup command, which discards the HANGUP signal.

However, this does not work, if the called process reconnects the HANGUP signal.

To be really sure, you need to remove the process from the shell's joblist.
For two well known shells this can be achieved as follows:


./myexecutable &
disown <pid>


./myexecutable &!

Killing your background job

Normally, the shell prints the PID of the process, which then can be killed using the kill command, to stop the server. If your shell does not print the PID, you can get it using

echo $!

directly after execution. This prints the PID of the forked process.

Keep running Go Server as background process

We have to inspect an always-on server from 2 perspectives:

  1. Handle / tolerate errors that occur during serving requests
  2. Restart the server app if it crashes or gets killed

For the first, you don't have to do anything special. If your handler panics, it will not blow your whole server, the http server will recover from that. It will only stop serving that specific request. Of course you can create your own handler which calls other handlers and recovers on panic and handle it in an intelligent way, but this is not a requirement.

One thing to note here: a Go app ends when the main goroutine ends (that is: the main() function returns). So even though goroutines serving requests are protected, if your main goroutine would end (e.g.
panic), your app would still exit.

For the second, it's not really Go related. For example if you're on linux, simply install / register your compiled Go executable as a service, properly configured to have it restarted should it exit or crash.

For example in Ubuntu which uses systemd for service configuration, the following minimal service descriptor would fulfill your wishes:

Description=My Always-on Service

ExecStart=/path/to/your/app -some=params passed


Put the above text in a file e.g. /etc/systemd/system/myservice.service, and you can enable and start it with:

sudo systemctl enable myservice.service 
sudo systemctl start myservice.service

The first command places a symlink to the proper folder to have it auto-started on system startup. The second command starts it right now.

To verify if it's running, type:

sudo systemctl status myservice.service 

(You can omit the .service extension in most cases.)

Now whenever your app crashes, or the OS gets restarted, your app will be automatically started / restarted.

Further reading and tutorials for systemd:

How To Use Systemctl to Manage Systemd Services and Units

Systemd Essentials: Working with Services, Units, and the Journal

Convert "run at startup" script from upstart to systemd for Ubuntu 16

systemd: Writing and Enabling a Service

Can i run a golang application as a background process? ( without nohup)

For those who are interested. i solved this using the package. It worked by installing the application as a service and I can start or stop it from the command line without blocking. Tested out and it worked on both Linux and Windows, which served my purpose.

Sample code will me like such :-

package main

import (


var logger service.Logger

// Program structures.
// Define Start and Stop methods.
type program struct {
exit chan struct{}

func (p *program) Start(s service.Service) error {
if service.Interactive() {
logger.Info("Running in terminal.")
} else {
logger.Info("Running under service manager.")
p.exit = make(chan struct{})

// Start should not block. Do the actual work async.
return nil
func (p *program) run() error {
logger.Infof("I'm running %v.", service.Platform())
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
return nil
func (p *program) Stop(s service.Service) error {
// Any work in Stop should be quick, usually a few seconds at most.
logger.Info("I'm Stopping!")
return nil

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:])

func main() {
svcFlag := flag.String("service", "", "Control the system service.")

options := make(service.KeyValue)
options["Restart"] = "on-success"
options["SuccessExitStatus"] = "1 2 8 SIGKILL"
svcConfig := &service.Config{
Name: "GoExample",
DisplayName: "Go Example",
Description: "This is a Go application.",
Dependencies: []string{},
// "",
// ""
Option: options,

prg := &program{}
s, err := service.New(prg, svcConfig)
if err != nil {
errs := make(chan error, 5)
logger, err = s.Logger(errs)
if err != nil {

go func() {
for {
err := <-errs
if err != nil {

if len(*svcFlag) != 0 {
err := service.Control(s, *svcFlag)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Valid actions: %q\n", service.ControlAction)


err = s.Run()
if err != nil {


go run app.go always run in the background

Did you tried running your server using nohup?

nohup go run server.go &

How I should run my Golang process in background?

As Nick mentioned Supervisord is a great option that has also worked well in my experience.

Nick mentioned problems with forking- forking itself works fine AFAICT. The issue is not forking but dropping privileges. Due to the way the Go runtime starts the thread pool that goroutines are multiplexed over (when GOMAXPROX > 1), the setuid systemcall is not a reliable way to drop permissions.

Instead, you should run your program as a non-privileged user and use the setcap utility to grant it the needed permissions.

For example, to allow binding to a low port number (like 80) run will need to run setcap once on the executable: sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /opt/yourGoBinary

You may need to install setcap: sudo aptitude install libcap2-bin

What's the best practices to run a background task along with server listening

Yes, and remember that main is a goroutine too, here is the working code:

package main

import (

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:])
func checkExpire() {
for {
// do some job
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)

func main() {
go checkExpire()
http.HandleFunc("/", handler) //
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Run the code and open your browser.

And never use Empty loop (for{}) see:

Difference between the main goroutine and spawned goroutines of a Go program

Empty loop uses 100% of a CPU Core, to wait for some operation depending to the use case you may use:

- sync.WaitGroup like this

- select {} like this

- channels

- time.Sleep

How can i run my Web application in background?

you can use a curl command and run it in background using nohup on a unix machine


nohup curl https://xxxxxx &

you need to explore a bit more how you ll make the same request using curl which are you making using the browser
this will run it in background even if you shut your shell terminal until your unix server is running

Long running tasks in a web server

No: a goroutine can last as long as you want (and the main program): you only need to know, as mentioned here, when to terminate said goroutine.

In your case, you would have to detect your connection has been terminated by the user, as in "Close the goroutine reading from a TCP connection without closing connection".

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