Fatal: Bad Config File Line 1 in /Home/Trx/.Gitconfig

fatal: bad config file line 1 in /home/trx/.gitconfig

This is my ~/.gitconfig:

name = Luigi R. Viggiano
email = luigi.viggiano@...
ui = true
tool = p4merge
tool = p4merge
default = simple

your ~/.gitconfig is not in the correct format.

You don't need to put the commands:

git config --global user.name "trx"
git config --global user.email chazx@live.com

in a file... you need to type them at the terminal.

Delete your ~/.gitconfig and manipulate it using the git config command at the terminal, as explained in the tutorial.

GitHub error fatal: bad config file line 1 in .git/config when in git shell

My question might have been abit vague, but I wasnt sure myself what happened. I solved it by finding .git/config file on my laptop using Windows search , and deleting it. Then I deleted content of my github folder and cloned the repo again and it worked after :)

Can NHibernate work with 2 different schema?

I think it is possible, but you'll have to instantiate 2 session factories.

Perhaps this article can be helpfull

Is a Java interface an abstract class?

Thing is, while technically interfaces may be represented as classes in languages like Java, I wouldn't consider them classes.

Abstract? Hell yes. Class? No.

Interfaces cannot have constructors, neither properties, fields, function bodies, etc. Interfaces cannot be inherited, they are implemented (again, technically it might be true that implementing an interface is actually inheriting it in specific languages, but that's not my point.) Interfaces are more like 'contracts' as they do not define any behaviour whatsoever like classes.

Now if this is a homework then you shouldn't really argue about these sort of stuff with the teacher. Just check your lecture notes and see if the word "class" is mentioned anywhere in the your teacher's definition of interface.

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