Facing an Error "*** Glibc Detected *** Free(): Invalid Next Size (Fast)"

glibc detected free(): invalid next size (fast)

bins =(double*)malloc(nbins * sizeof(double));
bin_counts =(int*)malloc((nbins-1) * sizeof(int));

//create bins from intervals
for(j=0; j<=(nbins); j++)
bins[j] = m + (j*interval);

//generate "bin_counts[]" with all 0's
for(y=0; y<=(nbins-1); y++)
bin_counts[y] = 0;

You are overstepping your arrays, you allocate place for nbins doubles but write to nbins+1 locations, and use nbins locations for bin_counts but have only allocated nbins-1.

Facing an error *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast)

It could be that Java itself is linked against a different glibc than your libraries or that the libraries are linked differently/to different glibcs.

Also check if one of the libraries is linking against a debug version of the glibc (hat that problem on windows with the C++ runtime lib).
Try linking your libraries staticly against the glibc, or for the sake of excluding possibilities linking your wrapper and business libs staticly into one library.

*** glibc detected *** ./m: free(): invalid next size (fast) on trying to free heap memory

To expand on Daniel correctly pointing out that pt[end] is incorrect, assume the following function call:

int values[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
merge(values, 4, 5, 6);

In merge, pt is allocated to be large enough for (6 - 4) + 1 = 3 ints.
tmp1 is set to 4.
On line 48, you do pt[tmp1] = arr[k], but this is pt[4] = arr[0], and you're writing on memory outside of pt!

free char*: invalid next size (fast)

Your code is wrong.

You are allocating space for a single pointer (malloc(sizeof(char*))), but no characters. You are overwriting your allocated space with all the strings, causing undefined behavior (in tihs particular case, corrupting malloc()'s book-keeping data).

You don't need to allocate space for the pointer (res), it's a local variable. You must allocate space for all the characters you wish to store at the address held by the pointer.

Since you're going to be traversing a list to find strings to concatenate, you can't know the total size upfront. You're going to have to do two passes over the list: one to sum the strlen() of each string, then allocate that plus space for the separator and terminator, then another pass when you actually do the concatenenation.

*** glibc detected *** python: free(): invalid next size (fast):

You have corrupted the memory arena, plain and simple, possibly by writing beyond the end of the memory that was passed to the C function but, without seeing the source code, we'll never know for sure.

That message only appears when glib detects that the memory allocation accounting information has been corrupted.

*** glibc detected *** : free(): invalid next size (fast) in C code

This bit of code is likely contributing to the problem (beginning at line 62):

for (i =0 ; i < order ; i++) {  /*Stores the leaf key pointer pairs and new key pointer pairs in order form  in temp. storage*/
if (i == InsertionIndex) {
i =i+1;
temp_keys[i] = bplus_IndividualKeyBplus(bplusLeaf,j);
temp_pointers[i] = bplus_IndividualPointersBplus(bplusLeaf,j);
j = j+1;

If InsertionIndex is order-1, a pair of out-of-buffer writes occur. Whatever immediately follows temp_key and temp_pointers is stomped upon, undoubted part of the heap used to manage other heap objects.

The construction itself is suspicious. Review the intent of the code and fix.

Error:free(): invalid next size (fast)

You are probably getting this due to writing outside the boundaries if the dataPage->data entry. This struct entry is just a single byte long, so unless slot.slotaddress==0 and recordSize==1, you will be writing to whatever memory lies after the end of the datapage struct. This memory corruption is probably what is causing your free error.

To track down this type of error, I recommend running your program through valgrind:

valgrind progname args

This in this case, you will probably get messages about "invalid writes", which tell you that you are writing outside the boundaries of your arrays.

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