Explanation of Convertor of Cidr to Netmask in Linux Shell Netmask2Cdir and Cdir2Netmask

Explanation of convertor of cidr to netmask in linux shell netmask2cdir and cdir2netmask


To get the CIDR prefix from a dot-decimal netmask like this one:

you first have to convert the four octets to binary and then count the most significant bits (i.e. the number of leading ones):

11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000  # 18 ones = /18 in CIDR

This function does that rather creatively. First, we strip off all of the leading 255 octets (i.e. the octets that are all ones in binary) and store the results in variable x:

local x=${1##*255.}

This step uses parameter expansion, which the entire script relies on pretty heavily. If we continue with our example netmask of, we now have the following values:

$x: 192.0

Next we set three variables: $1, $2, and $3. These are called positional parameters; they are much like ordinary named variables but are typically set when you pass arguments to a script or function. We can set the values directly using set --, for example:

set -- foo bar  # $1 = foo, $2 = bar

I prefer using named variables over positional parameters since it makes scripts easier to read and debug, but the end result is the same. We set $1 to:


This is really just a table to convert certain decimal values to binary and count the number of 1 bits. We'll come back to this later.

We set $2 to

$(( (${#1} - ${#x})*2 ))

This is called Arithmetic Expansion. It looks complex, but it is really just counting the number of 1 bits we stripped off in the first command. It breaks down to this:

(number of chars in $1 - number of chars in $x) * 2

which in our case works out to

(13 - 5) * 2 = 16

We stripped off two octets so we get 16. Makes sense.

We set $3 to:


which is the value of $x with everything after the first . stripped off. In our case, this is 192.

We need to convert this number to binary and count the number of 1 bits in it, so let's go back to our "conversion table." We can divide the table into equal chunks of four characters each:

0^^^  128^  192^  224^  240^  248^  252^  254^

In binary, the above numbers are:

00000000 10000000 11000000 11100000 11110000 11111000 11111100 11111110
# 0 ones 1 one 2 ones 3 ones ...

If we count from the left, each four-character block in the table corresponds to an additional 1 bit in binary. We're trying to convert 192, so let's first lop off the rightmost part of the table, from 192 on, and store it in x:


The value of $x is now


which contains two four-character blocks, or two 1 bits in binary.

Now we just need to add up the 1 bits from our leading 255 octets (16 total, stored in variable $2) and the 1 bits from the previous step (2 total):

echo $(( $2 + (${#x}/4) ))



is the number of characters in $x divided by four, i.e. the number of four-character blocks in $x.




Let's keep running with our previous example, which had a CIDR prefix of 18.

We use set -- to set positional parameters $1 through $9:

$1: $(( 5 - ($1 / 8) ))  # 5 - (18 / 8) = 3 [integer math]
$2: 255
$3: 255
$4: 255
$5: 255
$6: $(( (255 << (8 - ($1 % 8))) & 255 )) # (255 << (8 - (18 % 8))) & 255 = 192
$7: 0
$8: 0
$9: 0

Let's examine the formulas used to set $1 and $6 a little closer. $1 is set to:

$(( 5 - ($1 / 8) ))

The maximum and minimum possible values for a CIDR prefix are 32 for netmask


and 0 for netmask


The above formula uses integer division, so the possible results range from 1 to 5:

5 - (32 / 8) = 1
5 - ( 0 / 8) = 5

$6 is set to:

$(( (255 << (8 - ($1 % 8))) & 255 ))

Let's break this down for our example CIDR prefix of 18. First we take the modulus and do some subtraction:

8 - (18 % 8) = 6

Next we bitwise shift 255 by this value:

255 << 6

This is the same as pushing six 0 bits onto the end of 255 in binary:


Finally, we bitwise AND this value with 255:

11111111000000 &
00000011111111 # 255

which gives


or simply


Look familiar? This is the third octet in our netmask in binary:


In decimal, the value is 192.

Next we shift the positional parameters based on the value of $1:

[ $1 -gt 1 ] && shift $1 || shift

In our case, the value of $1 is 3, so we shift the positional parameters 3 to the left. The previous value of $4 becomes the new value of $1, the previous value of $5 becomes the value of $2, and so on:

$1: 255
$2: 255
$3: 192
$4: 0
$5: 0
$6: 0

These values should look familiar: they are the decimal octets from our netmask (with a couple of extra zeros tacked on at the end). To get the netmask, we simply print out the first four with dots in between them:

echo ${1-0}.${2-0}.${3-0}.${4-0}

The -0 after each parameter says to use 0 as the default value if the parameter is not set.


Bash - Convert netmask in CIDR notation?

Example Function for RHEL6/RHEL7:

IPprefix_by_netmask() {
#function returns prefix for given netmask in arg1
ipcalc -p $1 | sed -n 's/^PREFIX=\(.*\)/\/\1/p'

The Result:

$ IPprefix_by_netmask

In other Linux distributives ipcalc options may differ.

The same function without ipcalc, tested in Solaris and Linux:

IPprefix_by_netmask() {
#function returns prefix for given netmask in arg1
for octet in $(echo $1| sed 's/\./ /g'); do
binbits=$(echo "obase=2; ibase=10; ${octet}"| bc | sed 's/0//g')
let bits+=${#binbits}
echo "/${bits}"

Extracting netmask from ifconfig output and printing it in CIDR format

We can just write a function that iterates through the digits of the mask, adding up the number of bits set in each digit. There are only five legal digits in a CIDR-compliant netmask.

Bash has the ${variable:offset} and ${variable:offset:length} substitutions for getting substrings of a variable, so it's pretty easy to pick off the digits one at a time.

function bitCountForMask {
local -i count=0
local mask="${1##0x}"
local digit

while [ "$mask" != "" ]; do
case "$digit" in
[fF]) count=count+4 ;;
[eE]) count=count+3 ;;
[cC]) count=count+2 ;;
8) count=count+1 ;;
0) ;;
echo 1>&2 "error: illegal digit $digit in netmask"
return 1

echo $count

What does it mean by CIDR range for the local network and how could we check it?

Posting this answer as a community wiki as the question was addressed in the comments by @John Hanley.

Feel free to edit/expand it.

The CIDR range is determined by your network. If you look at another machine on the same network running Windows, Linux or macOS, it is fairly easy to determine. Run a network utility such as ipconfig, ifconfig, ip, etc. Look for netmask or Subnet Mask. Common values are which is CIDR /24 or which is CIDR /16.

There are tools on the Internet to translate from netmasks to CIDRs. In simple terms a CIDR is the number of most significant consecutive ones in a netmask. If you convert 255 to binary, that is 8 ones. Repeat. has 24 consecutive ones.

Note that a lot of networks are not setup correctly for client machines. It is generally best to speak to someone who controls your network. The router or network switch will have the correct netmask value. Use that value if available. It is also important to know if IP addresses are static or allocated by a DHCP server and the DNS servers.


  • ip a (
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
<-- OMITTED -->
2: enp0s5: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:1c:42:1a:1e:57 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet --> <-- brd scope global dynamic enp0s5
<-- OMITTED -->

A side note explanation:

By that example of network configuration the CIDR will be

Jodies.de: Ipcalc

Adding to that, there is quite extensive documentation about Anthos:

  • Cloud.google.com: Anthos: Docs

The networking part which the question is connected with can be found here:

  • Cloud.google.com: Anthos: Clusters: Docs: Bare metal: 1.6: Concepts: Network requirements

Additional resources:

  • En.wikipedia.org: Wiki: Classless inter domain routing

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