Error:13 - Permission Denied Android Studio

Android Studio error 13=permission denied in linux

I'm running android studio 1.0.2 on ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) 32 bit and i had the same problem.
just go to
and then right click on 'aapt' file , properties -> permissions and check 'Allow executing file as program'.
then close the window.

In my case,after giving permission for 'aapt' file, I had to give the same permission for 'dx' and 'zipalign' files in the same directory (/home/suUs12/Android/Sdk/build-tools/21.1.2/) and I was able to run my first app using android studio.

Android Studio IDE on Mac os:error=13, Permission denied

I ran into the same problem today.

And I fixed this by adding executable permission to the file /sdk/tools/android

Open your terminal and

chmod +x /Users/MyUserName/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android

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