Display Two Files Side by Side

Display two files side by side

You can use pr to do this, using the -m flag to merge the files, one per column, and -t to omit headers, eg.

pr -m -t one.txt two.txt


apple                               The quick brown fox..
pear foo
longer line than the last two bar
last line linux

skipped a line

See Also:

  • Print command result side by side
  • Combine text files column-wise

BASH: Display two files side by side simultaneously

This works fine

paste "$FILE1" "$FILE2" | awk -F'\t' '{printf("%-16s%s\n", $1, $2)}'

Compare and display two files side by side

Here's the general approach:

$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR{ a[$1] = $2; next }
{ a[$1]; b[$1] = $2 }
for (key in a) {
printf "%-10s%-15s%-15s\n", key, a[key], b[key]

$ awk -f tst.awk A.txt B.txt
LName LastName
Phone 00-1234567
Mobile1 000-000-000
EMail user1@aol.com user2@aol.com
EmpID 1234 2345
FName User1 User2

You'd need to provide the logic for how a script would know to output "FName" before "LName", "Mobile1" comes before rather than after "Phone" and the order of the other fields in your output if you care about that. One possibility would be to hard-code the keys:

$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ split("FName LName EmpID Mobile1 Phone Email", keys) }
NR==FNR{ a[$1] = $2; next }
{ b[$1] = $2 }
for (keyNr=1; keyNr in keys; keyNr++) {
key = keys[keyNr]
printf "%-10s%-15s%-15s\n", key, a[key], b[key]

$ awk -f tst.awk A.txt B.txt
FName User1 User2
LName LastName
EmpID 1234 2345
Mobile1 000-000-000
Phone 00-1234567

Xcode - How to view two files side-by-side?

Xcode 11 and above (thanks for the update, @Uthen!)

Click on the Add Editor on Right button in the top right corner of the editor:

Add Editor on Right button

To add an editor to the bottom instead, hold down the Option key while pressing the button, it will change to Add Editor Below:

Add Editor Below button

If you want to choose a different file to show, navigate to a different file using the folder buttons above the editor:

Folder buttons

Xcode 10 and earlier

Simply click on the button in the top right corner with two overlapping circles to access it or navigate to View/Assistant Editor/Show Assistant editor (⌥⌘^↩).

Assistant editor button

If you want to choose a different file to show, click on the button right to the navigation arrows in the right side of the screen and select an option from the context menu. Choose Manual to pick any file you want.

Button right to the navigation arrows

Context menu for picking the file being shown

If you want to change the layout to horizontal/vertical, navigate to View/Assistant Editor and change the view. Here, you can also add and remove new assistant editors if display more than two files at the same time.

View/Assistant Editor

concat two files side-by-side, append difference between fields, and print in tabular format

Your awk command seems fine except -F,. You should paste those files first.

$ paste a.txt b.txt | awk '{print $0,$3-$6}' | column -t
a 2019 66 a 2019 50 16
b 2020 50 b 2019 40 10
c 2018 48 c 2018 45 3

What's clean way to join two files together side by side?

Use paste:

paste A B

That will separate the lines from A and the lines from B with a tab character. If you want them separated with a space instead, use

paste -d' ' A B

Python how do I print the contents of 2 or more text files side by side?

You can use the format method in builtin strings, and zip_longest.

from itertools import zip_longest
# Assuming fruit is file_context.readlines()
fruits = fruit.split("\n")
vegs = veg.split("\n")
for l1,l2 in zip_longest(fruits, vegs, fillvalue=""):
print("{}\t{}".format(l1, l2))

zip_longest will take care of the situation where you have unequal number of fruits and vegs.

NOTE: The above will work in python 3. For python 2, remember to replace:

from itertools import zip_longest


from itertools import izip_longest

View multiple files in Visual Studio

You can use "Tab Groups". Visual Studio supports both horizontal and vertical panes (since at least Visual Studio .NET 2002 I believe, I haven't used VS 5 or 6 in ages..)

There are several ways to create a tab group. One way is:

  • Open two files.
  • Grab the tab of one of the files and pull it down and slightly to the side
  • You'll get a menu prompting you if you want to put it in a new horizontal or vertical pane.
  • You can move files between panes by grabbing the tab of the open file and pulling it next to the tabs in the pane you want it in.

Another way is:

  • Click Window
  • Click New Vertical Tab Group

Here is a website demonstrating this with pictures and it even includes showing you how to split pane with the same file. Handy when refactoring!

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