Command to Zip a Directory Using a Specific Directory as the Root

Command to zip a directory using a specific directory as the root

I don't think zip has a flag to do that. I think the only way is something like:

cd /var/www/oraviewer/rgn_download/download/ && \
zip -r fcst_20100318_0319

(The backslash is just for clarity, you can remove it and put everything on one line.)

Since PHP is executing the command in a subshell, it won't change your current directory.

Using bash zip from within target directory vs from outside

Yes, these commands act differently. When you use zip it will by keep the paths relative to how you ran the command, so running zip from different working directories will affect the result.


└── test
├── file1
├── file2
├── file3
└── foo
├── file4
└── file5

If I am in the root directory in this example and use the following command:

zip -r test/*

I get the following result:

$ unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 2019-11-08 16:51 test/file1
0 2019-11-08 16:51 test/file2
0 2019-11-08 16:51 test/file3
0 2019-11-08 16:53 test/foo/
0 2019-11-08 16:52 test/foo/file4
0 2019-11-08 16:53 test/foo/file5
--------- -------
0 6 files

However if I change directory into test, and this command:

cd test
zip -r ../ *

I get the following zip file:

$ unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 2019-11-08 16:51 file1
0 2019-11-08 16:51 file2
0 2019-11-08 16:51 file3
0 2019-11-08 16:53 foo/
0 2019-11-08 16:52 foo/file4
0 2019-11-08 16:53 foo/file5
--------- -------
0 6 files


As an aside, if you do not have a directory structure, you can specify -j which will remove all paths and store the files all in the root of the zip file:

# from the root of the example structure
zip -j test/*


$ unzip -l
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 2019-11-08 16:51 file1
0 2019-11-08 16:51 file2
0 2019-11-08 16:51 file3
0 2019-11-08 16:52 file4
0 2019-11-08 16:53 file5
--------- -------
0 5 files

Create zip file and ignore directory structure

You can use -j.

Store just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not
store directory names. By default, zip will store the full path
(relative to the current directory).

linux how to add a file to a specific folder within a zip file

If you need to add the file to the same folder as in the original directory hierarchy, then you just need to add the full path to it:

zip -g folder/file

Otherwise, probably the easiest way to do that is to create the same layout you need in the zip file in a temporary directory.

How to add files and dirs to a zip file without the root dir?

I understand that you do not want to cd, but...

If all else fails and you are hoping to keep your call to zip down to one line, you could chain the calls and use a relative path to output zip in the root:

For Windows:

cd base & zip -r ..\ * & cd ..

For Linux/Unix:

cd base ; zip -r ../ * ; cd ..

How to create a zip archive of a directory?

As others have pointed out, you should use zipfile. The documentation tells you what functions are available, but doesn't really explain how you can use them to zip an entire directory. I think it's easiest to explain with some example code:

import os
import zipfile

def zipdir(path, ziph):
# ziph is zipfile handle
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
ziph.write(os.path.join(root, file),
os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file),
os.path.join(path, '..')))

with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
zipdir('tmp/', zipf)

How to create a zip file without entire directory structure

I don't believe zip has a way to exclude the top level directory. I think your best bet would be to do something like:
pushd /foo; zip -r ./bar; popd;

But this is exactly the sort of answer you said you didn't want.

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