Cannot Kill Redis-Server on Linux

cannot kill redis-server on linux

Figured it out! Turns out when I had tried the second answer provided at this SO post, I had done cd /etc/init.d and then ran redis-server stop, when I actually should've run /etc/init.d/redis-server stop. I do not know why this matters though.

How can I stop redis-server?

Either connect to node instance and use shutdown command or if you are on ubuntu you can try to restart redis server through init.d:

/etc/init.d/redis-server restart

or stop/start it:

/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
/etc/init.d/redis-server start

On Mac

redis-cli shutdown

Stop redis server. Neither shutdown nor stop works

I finally got it down.

Get the PID of the process (this worked in Webfaction):

ps -u my_account -o pid,rss,command | grep redis


> kill -9 the_pid

I was able to REPRODUCE this issue:

Start redis-server
Then break it using Pause/Break key

Now it hangs and it won't shutdown normally. Also the Python program trying to set/get a key hangs. To avoid this: Just close the window after starting redis-server. It's now running normally.

How to stop a redis server that was started with --daemonize yes

There are three options for your question from my test.

  1. Stop redis by stoping redis service. This is the recommend way in most cases.
sudo systemctl stop redis-server


sudo service redis-server stop

  1. connect to this redis-server and shutdown it by redis-cli.

after connected to redis, issue shutdown to turn off redis-server


  1. Kill the redis-server process directly:
ps -ef | grep redis-server
kill -9 (pid)

redis - kill redis-server in google cloud platform

The redis-cli shutdown works on Mac OS. If you using Debian or Ubuntu, the easiest, way you can shutdown the server is to go into the server and type sudo service redis-server stop and service redis-server start to start it again.


test-user@my-server:~$ sudo service redis-server stop
test-user@my-server:~$ ps -f -u redis

The question was answered in this community post. You may also see the following community tutorial on "How to Set Up Redis on Google Compute Engine"

shutdown redis-server from command line

Your Redis server is configured with a password apparently. Therefore, when using redis-cli, you'll need to issue the AUTH password command before any other command or else you'll be getting that error message (replace password with your server's password).

Alternatively, you can invoke redis-cli with the -a switch followed by your password for the same result.

To find the password of your server, open the Redis configuration file (by default /etc/redis/6379.conf) and look for the line starting with requirepass - whatever value is next to it, is the password.

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