Bash: Get List of Commands Starting with a Given String

bash: get list of commands starting with a given string

You should be able to use the compgen command, like so:

compgen -A builtin [YOUR STRING HERE]

For example, "compgen -A builtin l" returns


You can use other keywords in place of "builtin" to get other types of completion. Builtin gives you shell builtin commands. "File" gives you local filenames, etc.

Here's a list of actions (from the BASH man page for complete which uses compgen):

  alias      Alias names.  May also be specified as -a.
arrayvar Array variable names.
binding Readline key binding names.
builtin Names of shell builtin commands. May also be specified as -b.
command Command names. May also be specified as -c.
directory Directory names. May also be specified as -d.
disabled Names of disabled shell builtins.
enabled Names of enabled shell builtins.
export Names of exported shell variables. May also be specified as -e.
file File names. May also be specified as -f.
function Names of shell functions.
group Group names. May also be specified as -g.
helptopic Help topics as accepted by the help builtin.
hostname Hostnames, as taken from the file specified by the HOSTFILE shell
job Job names, if job control is active. May also be specified as
keyword Shell reserved words. May also be specified as -k.
running Names of running jobs, if job control is active.
service Service names. May also be specified as -s.
setopt Valid arguments for the -o option to the set builtin.
shopt Shell option names as accepted by the shopt builtin.
signal Signal names.
stopped Names of stopped jobs, if job control is active.
user User names. May also be specified as -u.
variable Names of all shell variables. May also be specified as -v.

In Bash, how can I check if a string begins with some value?

This snippet on the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide says:

# The == comparison operator behaves differently within a double-brackets
# test than within single brackets.

[[ $a == z* ]] # True if $a starts with a "z" (wildcard matching).
[[ $a == "z*" ]] # True if $a is equal to z* (literal matching).

So you had it nearly correct; you needed double brackets, not single brackets.

With regards to your second question, you can write it this way:

if [[ $HOST == user1 ]] || [[ $HOST == node* ]] ;
echo yes1

if [[ $HOST == user1 ]] || [[ $HOST == node* ]] ;
echo yes2

Which will echo


Bash's if syntax is hard to get used to (IMO).

Find all files with a filename beginning with a specified string?

Use find with a wildcard:

find . -name 'mystring*'

Checking if output of a command contains a certain string in a shell script

Test the return value of grep:

./somecommand | grep 'string' &> /dev/null
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "matched"

which is done idiomatically like so:

if ./somecommand | grep -q 'string'; then
echo "matched"

and also:

./somecommand | grep -q 'string' && echo 'matched'

Extract substring in Bash

Use cut:

echo 'someletters_12345_moreleters.ext' | cut -d'_' -f 2

More generic:

SUBSTRING=$(echo $INPUT| cut -d'_' -f 2)

Find all files with name containing string

Use find:

find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*string*" -print

It will find all files in the current directory (delete maxdepth 1 if you want it recursive) containing "string" and will print it on the screen.

If you want to avoid file containing ':', you can type:

find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*string*" ! -name "*:*" -print

If you want to use grep (but I think it's not necessary as far as you don't want to check file content) you can use:

ls | grep touch

But, I repeat, find is a better and cleaner solution for your task.

Linux command to list all available commands and aliases

You can use the bash(1) built-in compgen

  • compgen -c will list all the commands you could run.
  • compgen -a will list all the aliases you could run.
  • compgen -b will list all the built-ins you could run.
  • compgen -k will list all the keywords you could run.
  • compgen -A function will list all the functions you could run.
  • compgen -A function -abck will list all the above in one go.

Check the man page for other completions you can generate.

To directly answer your question:

compgen -ac | grep searchstr

should do what you want.

What linux shell command returns a part of a string?

If you are looking for a shell utility to do something like that, you can use the cut command.

To take your example, try:

echo "abcdefg" | cut -c3-5

which yields


Where -cN-M tells the cut command to return columns N to M, inclusive.

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