Arch Linux - Apt-Get Update Equivalent Command

Arch Linux - apt-get update equivalent command?

The equivalent of apt-get update in Arch Linux is pacman -Syy.

pacman -Syu is equivalent to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.

Might as well make this complete if it stays...

pacman -S <package> is apt-get install <package>

Linux apt-get command not found - How to install a package in Arch Linux?

First of all, Arch provides a beautiful, well maintained wiki. You may want to read it first before working with Arch. The pre-installed package manager is "pacman".

To install a package from the official repositories, you will need to use it like this:

# pacman -S <package name>

There is also a community maintained version, the Arch User Repository, for packages not part of the official repository.

Can you use apt in arch-linux

You could test this AUR package for your own risk.

However keep in mind that AUR packages aren't part of Arch Linux, they are created by users.

Although if you just want a way to quickly learn pacman, which to be honest is a fascinating package manager, you could check this page to see the correspondence between aptand pacman.

apt-get update shows errors

You have two issues conflated, for starters lets work on xerus-media

cd /etc/apt
grep -r xerus *

now edit the file containing xerus

sudo vi /etc/apt/either_sources.list_or_a_file_in_subdir

delete the line which mentions artful Release   

add these lines

deb xenial main 
deb-src xenial main

save that file and confirm you no longer see an error which mentions xerus-media

sudo apt-get update 

Now on to the docker issue ... docker package for ubuntu is shipped to xenial ... so lets see what you have ... do this

cd /etc/apt
grep -r docker *

now edit the file which mentions docker as in

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

now edit the line

deb [arch=amd64] artful stable

its entry should look like this

deb [arch=amd64] xenial stable

(yes xenial its OK its not artful you still get newest docker) now lets see what docker package you have installed ... issue this

dpkg -l | grep docker

you should see this

ii  docker-ce       17.09.0~ce-0~ubuntu      amd64        Docker: the open-source application container engine

now do an update

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 

are you now locked and loaded ? if not we can continue battling

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