Adding Stackless Threading to Bsd Kernel

Adding stackless threading to BSD Kernel?

There are some implementations already available. Just do some digging around and you can find them. One of the most prevalent implementations is available under a BSD license: Protothreads

Incorporating I/O driven scheduling into OS Kernel

This is probably mostly marketing - FreeBSD already handles "asynchronous nature of messaging" rather well. They most likely short-circuited some processing in the network stack for their specific purposes, same for the file system.

Can a shared ready queue limit the scalability of a multiprocessor system?

Simply put, most definetly. Read on for some discussion.

Tuning a service is an art-form or requires benchmarking (and the space for the amount of concepts you need to benchmark is huge). I believe that it depends on factors such as the following (this is not exhaustive).

  1. how much time an item which is picked up from the ready qeueue takes to process, and
  2. how many worker threads are their?
  3. how many producers are their, and how often do they produce ?
  4. what type of wait concepts are you using ? spin-locks or kernel-waits (the latter being slower) ?

So, if items are produced often, and if the amount of threads is large, and the processing time is low: the data structure could be locked for large windows, thus causing thrashing.

Other factors may include the data structure used and how long the data structure is locked for -e.g., if you use a linked list to manage such a queue the add and remove oprations take constant time. A prio-queue (heaps) takes a few more operations on average when items are added.

If your system is for business processing you could take this question out of the picture by just using:

  1. A process based architecure and just spawning multiple producer consumer processes and using the file system for communication,
  2. Using a non-preemtive collaborative threading programming language such as stackless python, Lua or Erlang.

also note: synchronization primitives cause inter-processor cache-cohesion floods which are not good and therefore should be used sparingly.

The discussion could go on to fill a Ph.D dissertation :D

Coroutine vs Event driven programming

I think it is coroutines that are "traditional", and events are "modern". However, they also have different purpose; AFAIK, coroutines can either specify where to transfer control (like method calls) or be used to time-share, while events are loosely coupled communication (i.e. communicating "upwards" in a layered architecture).

Be sure to read Eric Lippert's blog series (from October, 2010) about continuation passing style if you are interested in things like these. There is one post titled "Musings about coroutines".

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