Youtube API - Failed to Execute 'Postmessage' on 'Domwindow'

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': !== http://localhost:9000

I believe this is an issue with the target origin being https. I suspect it is because your iFrame url is using http instead of https. Try changing the url of the file you are trying to embed to be https.

For instance:

'//' + id + '?showinfo=0&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://localhost:9000';

to be:

'' + id + '?showinfo=0&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://localhost:9000';

Youtube API - Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow'

I think that the error message is a little bit misleading, as it has nothing to do with your actual host, but is more about how resources from are referenced on the page.

There are two things I would suggest in order to get rid of this error message. (At least these were working in my case.)

First and foremost you should reference the IFrame Player API script via https. When called with http, YouTube redirects that script request automatically to it’s https counterpart, so if you reference the script directly from https, that eliminates this extra redirect. But most importantly, in case your production environment ever goes to https, it won’t load that script over http, but will throw a “Blocked loading mixed active content” error.

According to my tests this change alone would already magically solve the issue. However in case you would prefer to leave that on http, there is this other thing:

Reading through the Loading a Video Player and the Supported Parameters sections of the API docs, there is no mention about the host parameter at all. In fact when I removed that line from the Player parameters I didn't receive the error message any more. Also, interestingly, when I set host literally to, the error message reads: The target origin provided (‘’) does not match the recipient window’s origin ….) Therefore I think the host parameter should not be set by the client.

Sidenote: If you have a look at the contents of, you will see this statement: var YTConfig = {'host': ''};. To me it means that is some kind of a default for host anyways, so even if you go and set it in the client code, you could try to set it to

Long story short, try to use <script src=""></script> and comment out the host. This is my 2 cents.

Youtube API error - Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow':

Wow, strange error, "visibility = hidden" is a reason.
Be sure that the playback container (like its parents) is displayed before starting the player.

YouTube iFrame Player API failed to execute postMessage on DOMWindow

Try using loadVideoById

This function loads and plays the specified video.

  • The required videoId parameter specifies the YouTube Video ID of the video to be played. In the YouTube Data API, a video resource's id property specifies the ID.
  • The optional startSeconds parameter accepts a float/integer. If it is specified, then the video will start from the closest keyframe to the specified time.
  • The optional endSeconds parameter accepts a float/integer. If it is specified, then the video will stop playing at the specified time.
  • The optional suggestedQuality parameter specifies the suggested playback quality for the video. Please see the definition of the setPlaybackQuality function for more information about playback quality.

Here is a snippet to help you


function searchVideo(){
var vID = document.getElementById("vidID").value
player.loadVideoById(vID, 0, "default");



Search by Video ID: <input type="text" id="vidID" name="vidID"><button onclick="searchVideo()">Search</button>

Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided does not match the recipient window's origin ('null')

Make sure the target window that you (or Facebook) is posting a message to, has completed loading. Most of the times I've gotten this error were when an iframe I was sending messages to had failed to load.

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