Using Queryselector With Ids That Are Numbers

Using querySelector with IDs that are numbers

It is valid, but requires some special handling. From here:

Leading digits

If the first character of an identifier is numeric, you’ll need to escape it based on its Unicode code point. For example, the code point for the character 1 is U+0031, so you would escape it as \000031 or \31 .

Basically, to escape any numeric character, just prefix it with \3 and append a space character ( ). Yay Unicode!

So your code would end up as (CSS first, JS second):

#\31  {
background: hotpink;

document.querySelector('#\\31 ');

How to fix an ID which isn't accepted as a query selector?

IDs beginning with a number are indeed valid in HTML 5, but #57acafcbdb4bc607922b834f is not a valid CSS selector, and document.querySelector() uses CSS selectors.

You can use attribute selector instead:


Or you can use document.getElementById():


See this code snippet:

<div id="57acafcbdb4bc607922b834f"></div>

querySelector of item by a pattern of id

Since it's not possible to use RegEx within attribute selectors, the only way is to filter your querySelectorAll result; and there.. you can use a regex to match only numbers after feed_item_

It will be something like this

let items = [...document.querySelectorAll('[id^="feed_item_"]')].filter(
(item) =>\d+$/)

many digits in querySelector

You can use ^= and querySelectorAll to get a NodeList of all the anchors you want, and then click() them using a forEach loop.

setTimeout(function() {
document.querySelectorAll('[id^="village"] td:nth-child(11) a').forEach(a =>;
}, (Math.random() * 1000) + 1000);

A better approach would be to give them a common class so you don't have to use the IDs.

Error while query selector on numeric value

You might use " for the value of your selector : [key="value"]

document.querySelector('input[name="manufacturer"][value="apple"]').checked = true;
document.querySelector('input[name="storage"][value="16"]').checked = true;

Find elements using part of ID

you can use querySelectorAll to hit partial attribs, including ID:


the ^ next to the equal sign indicates "starts with", you can use * instead, but it's prone to false-positives.

you also want to make sure to use quotes (or apos) around the comapare value in attrib selectors for maximum compatibility on querySelectorAll; in jQuery and evergreen browsers it doesn't matter, but in vanilla for old browsers it does matter.

EDIT: late breaking requirement needs a more specific selector:


the not() segment prevents anything ending with "_test_field" from matching.

proof of concept / demo:

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