Set Keyboard Caret Position in HTML Textbox

Set keyboard caret position in html textbox

Excerpted from Josh Stodola's Setting keyboard caret Position in a Textbox or TextArea with Javascript

A generic function that will allow you to insert the caret at any position of a textbox or textarea that you wish:

function setCaretPosition(elemId, caretPos) {
var elem = document.getElementById(elemId);

if(elem != null) {
if(elem.createTextRange) {
var range = elem.createTextRange();
range.move('character', caretPos);;
else {
if(elem.selectionStart) {
elem.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos);

The first expected parameter is the ID of the element you wish to insert the keyboard caret on. If the element is unable to be found, nothing will happen (obviously). The second parameter is the caret positon index. Zero will put the keyboard caret at the beginning. If you pass a number larger than the number of characters in the elements value, it will put the keyboard caret at the end.

Tested on IE6 and up, Firefox 2, Opera 8, Netscape 9, SeaMonkey, and Safari. Unfortunately on Safari it does not work in combination with the onfocus event).

An example of using the above function to force the keyboard caret to jump to the end of all textareas on the page when they receive focus:

function addLoadEvent(func) {
if(typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
else {
if(func) {
var oldLoad = window.onload;

window.onload = function() {


// The setCaretPosition function belongs right here!

function setTextAreasOnFocus() {
* This function will force the keyboard caret to be positioned
* at the end of all textareas when they receive focus.
var textAreas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

for(var i = 0; i < textAreas.length; i++) {
textAreas[i].onfocus = function() {
setCaretPosition(, this.value.length);

textAreas = null;


Set text-cursor position in a textarea

After refocusing the textarea with txtarea.focus(), add this line:

txtarea.selectionEnd= end + 7;

That will set the cursor seven positions ahead of where it was previously, which will take [b][/b] into account.


document.getElementById('bold').addEventListener('click', boldText);

function boldText() {

var txtarea = document.getElementById("editor_area");

var start = txtarea.selectionStart;

var end = txtarea.selectionEnd;

var sel = txtarea.value.substring(start, end);

var finText = txtarea.value.substring(0, start) + '[b]' + sel + '[/b]' + txtarea.value.substring(end);

txtarea.value = finText;


txtarea.selectionEnd= end + 7;

#editor_area {

width: 100%;

height: 10em;

<button id="bold">B</button>

<textarea id="editor_area"></textarea>

jQuery: Add letter from virtual keyboard to the caret position in the input box

The following code allows you to select multiple characters and replace all of them by clicking the button. Additionally, it will place the cursor directly after the point where the special character is inserted.

Note: I replaced $this = $(this) in favor of just using $(this).html(); in the textAreaStr variable assignment only because it shortens the code, not because your method was incorrect.

var selStart = $("#input")[0].selectionStart;
var selEnd = $("#input")[0].selectionEnd;
var character = $(this).html();
var textAreaStr = $('#input').val();
var value = textAreaStr.substring(0, selStart) + character + textAreaStr.substring(selEnd);
$("#input")[0].selectionStart = selStart+1, $("#input")[0].selectionEnd = selStart+1;


How to restore caret position in Javascript?

You can use Range and Selection objects as described in this answer:

function restore() {

var el = document.getElementById("editable");

var range = document.createRange();

var sel = window.getSelection();

range.setStart(el, 0);




p {



font-size: 20px;

font-family: "Open Sans";

border:1px black solid;



font-size: 25px;

<p id="editable" contenteditable="true"></p>

<button onclick="restore()">Restore</button>

Trying to set the cursor position inside a textbox after updating the model object

try this:


How to set cursor position at the end of input text in Google Chrome

It seems like the focus event is fired before the cursor is placed when you focus an input, a hacky workaround would be to use a setTimeout like so:

$('#Search').focus(function() {
setTimeout((function(el) {
var strLength = el.value.length;
return function() {
if(el.setSelectionRange !== undefined) {
el.setSelectionRange(strLength, strLength);
} else {
}}(this)), 0);

Try this fiddle:

Edited to 0ms timeout, as @SparK pointed out this is enough to push to end of execution queue.

Set caret to nearest possible position based on an x and y coordinate

I found the solution:

function moveCaret(x, y) {
let sel = window.getSelection();
sel.addRange(document.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y));

The function moves the caret to the nearest possible position. Tested on chromium browser like Opera, Edge or Chrome.

I found a cross browser solution (after knowing the name of caretRangeFromPoint function) here on stack overflow. If you're looking for a cross browser solution please take a look here:

Place cursor at the 2nd line of a textarea with jQuery/JavaScript

Why would there be any magic? This is what setSelectionRange is for. Just remember that you won't see the cursor unless you're focussed on the textarea, and if you do so by clicking on it, you're also automatically placing the cursor wherever you clicked:

let text = document.querySelector(`textarea`);
let pos = text.textContent.indexOf(`\n`);
text.setSelectionRange(pos+1, pos+1);
<textarea cols="20" rows="4">
Dear sir,

Best regards,
John Smith

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